A Hello to all


Tango and Cash.
it is the manliest movie of all time, a true cinematic masterpiece for the ages. it is not only the best of the buddy/cop action films, but a brilliant parody of the genre itself. everything is WAY over the top. there is not one conversation between russell and stalone in the whole movie, everything is a one-liner. its a comedy duo with no straight-man (no gay jokes please....well the movie has a bunch). the only female characters are strippers, and a naked chick having sex in a car, showing excellent use of boobs-for-no-reason-other-than-to-show-boobs (80s and early 90s action staple that has sadly disappeared). the list goes on and on. one of my favorite movies.

also, a friend of mine actually wrote a paper on it for some gender-study class or something. how awesome is that.
it is the manliest movie of all time, a true cinematic masterpiece for the ages. it is not only the best of the buddy/cop action films, but a brilliant parody of the genre itself. everything is WAY over the top. there is not one conversation between russell and stalone in the whole movie, everything is a one-liner. its a comedy duo with no straight-man (no gay jokes please....well the movie has a bunch). the only female characters are strippers, and a naked chick having sex in a car, showing excellent use of boobs-for-no-reason-other-than-to-show-boobs (80s and early 90s action staple that has sadly disappeared). the list goes on and on. one of my favorite movies.

...But is it as a manly as the new 'JOHN RAMBO' will be???
Thanks for the welcome guys. Sorry I didn't get a chance to stop by yesterday. Lucky for me I was excused from jury duty after they kept me all day hahhaha.

I've never seen the movie Tango and Cash. I've heard of it, but you know those movies you've never seen for whatever reason.

Capen I should have waited for you to do an intro thread and popped in :D lol. I lurked for a bit also, and yeah I was waiting for another intro thread but one never came up. Go on and make one it will be fun.

Hi Jace. I hail from Bowie. Now we might move to Ohio in the next couple of years maybe. Everything is up in the air on that one right now. It's awesome to meet a fellow artist and drawing head :D I had to go check out your drawings. I love them! Especially the Phantom and Christine pic. I also agree that the phantom should have long hair. I also think he should have won in the end :lol: He is way better looking then that wimp Raul (SP) :kickass: