
I could also use a break from this... Must find something to take me away from this... Problem is, whenever I try and find a way to get away from something, I usually end up at a mall or store and purchase something I might want, but definitely could have used the money for more meaningful things... such as bills.
Yeah, I'm gonna try take a break for a few weeks. Since I actually had to stop working, I've spent too much time doing nothing, and consequently on here.
Eric T esquire commented over email, when questioned about your change in demeanor, "that you have carte blanch to say anything to anyone on this forum as long as you parade your dairy aire to the disheveled masses who congregate on this haphazard hell hole of a mssg board." His quote, not mine.

Haha, I love Jerry's changes. :lol:

I really do give up on this board though... it really IS a clique anymore and I hate everyone except for about 5 people on it.

and that's only because you own a tuxedo cat.
What's kitty's name?