
The U.K does not have a great record in recent years with regards to civil liberties. I'm not hostile to the pragmatism of a national D.N.A database, but it's ethically and philosophically a step too far for me. Slippery slope arguments are fallacious, but I think the dangers of what said database could be used for are there from the outset.

ASBOs were a token gesture. They're widely accepted to be completely useless. They're not necessarily used to "punish children for being children", for we do have an immensely large problem with young gangs, but they're not the answer either way.
Speaking of British, what is your opinion on the UK's current policies involving privacy, the want for total DNA access, and ASBOs being used to punish children for being children? I ask assuming you've researched these. If not, Derek, you weigh in too.

We rarely actually look at that sort of stuff, I'm regretfully ignorant of current affairs, but when you have to learn names, mechanisms and side effects of a hundred or so drugs as just one part of your exams you rarely even see daylight let alone a newspaper.
It's a mixture of both. The enormous and dominant middle class takes offence at everything, especially children of the under classes hanging around in groups. A genuine problem with our youth does exist though. It's the culmination of many things, lots of them set in motion well before the present time.
I regularly see the scum of England clogging up Fulham on the way to Chelsea matches, they even rioted here just because they lost in Moscow.
There is a very angry attitude that many people of lower social classes adhere to, fuelled largely by alcohol it seems. I do feel safe, but rarely welcome.

Or maybe it is just Londoners, my parents live in Cardiff and I was amazed by simple acts of courtesy that are much more deeply embedded into their culture such as saying hello to a bus driver, though anywhere in the UK there are blatant social problems.
Who the fuck is this ham n egger who claims to be cut from the same cloth as I?!?! Eric Tomassetti Esquire, informed me that there was a man from Sussex claiming to be the Acaitollah of Rock-N-Rolla. Motherfucker's teeth are so green, he deposited a bicuspid in a ROTH account. In all seriousness, are the Brits under Universal Health Care?!?! Holy fucking Christ!!!!!!

Anyhow, it's been many a year since I last perused this forum filled with two bit whores and loquacious lackeys who know as much about musical composition as a Chinaman who got his surname by being tumbled down a staircase holding a fistful of spoons. Nevermore, a band once heralded to be as groovy as Jade Marcel in the back seat of a PT Cruiser has degenerated themselves to a cadre of cash fiending fret board fibrillators. It's no surprise that this Cypher450 faggoth has clung to their music like a mollusk on the side of a brine beaten stone. Folks, where is your Kevorka? All I see is STAGNATION!! A worm hole of stagnation thanks to the likes of Captain Bra and his merry men of the AoC. Fucking lemmings who capture their MMO conquests and up them to youtube with Into Eternity as the backdrop. Level 70? Fucking Pathetic!!!

Can you fornicators and troglodytes do me a favor and never insinuate that I am behind these second rate screen personas again?!? Cliquey faggoths who are all destined to be in loveless cohabitating relationships. The women suffering from physical abuse, with the men suffering the strains of emotional neglect. Bunch of Jersey Jews and Seattle Semites. Every latte a conversation piece, every post another step towards settling on an online gash two steps down in beauty from Ms. Marcel. A talking, walking, breathing gash, who will throttle your best friend while you're tending towards manual labor in order to bring home the brisket for your genome flawed fuck child. Fucking sickening, the whole lot of you!
Cara, why have you turned in to a goodie two shoes tit?!?! Seriously, first you defend that whore bag Cara D., and now you're admonishing me for defending my unblemished name!!

We used to be cyber confidants, now you're slipping away. (Obviously due to your association with the suspect individuals whom were invited to your Meat Camp!!)

Remember the H.I.As, remember the H.I.As!!!!!!!
Who the fuck is this ham n egger who claims to be cut from the same cloth as I?!?! Eric Tomassetti Esquire, informed me that there was a man from Sussex claiming to be the Acaitollah of Rock-N-Rolla. Motherfucker's teeth are so green, he deposited a bicuspid in a ROTH account. In all seriousness, are the Brits under Universal Health Care?!?! Holy fucking Christ!!!!!!

Anyhow, it's been many a year since I last perused this forum filled with two bit whores and loquacious lackeys who know as much about musical composition as a Chinaman who got his surname by being tumbled down a staircase holding a fistful of spoons. Nevermore, a band once heralded to be as groovy as Jade Marcel in the back seat of a PT Cruiser has degenerated themselves to a cadre of cash fiending fret board fibrillators. It's no surprise that this Cypher450 faggoth has clung to their music like a mollusk on the side of a brine beaten stone. Folks, where is your Kevorka? All I see is STAGNATION!! A worm hole of stagnation thanks to the likes of Captain Bra and his merry men of the AoC. Fucking lemmings who capture their MMO conquests and up them to youtube with Into Eternity as the backdrop. Level 70? Fucking Pathetic!!!

Can you fornicators and troglodytes do me a favor and never insinuate that I am behind these second rate screen personas again?!? Cliquey faggoths who are all destined to be in loveless cohabitating relationships. The women suffering from physical abuse, with the men suffering the strains of emotional neglect. Bunch of Jersey Jews and Seattle Semites. Every latte a conversation piece, every post another step towards settling on an online gash two steps down in beauty from Ms. Marcel. A talking, walking, breathing gash, who will throttle your best friend while you're tending towards manual labor in order to bring home the brisket for your genome flawed fuck child. Fucking sickening, the whole lot of you!

Cara, why have you turned in to a goodie two shoes tit?!?! Seriously, first you defend that whore bag Cara D., and now you're admonishing me for defending my unblemished name!!

We used to be cyber confidants, now you're slipping away. (Obviously due to your association with the suspect individuals whom were invited to your Meat Camp!!)

Remember the H.I.As, remember the H.I.As!!!!!!!

It's just that I don't recall anyone accusing you of being behind this new name. Maybe I missed it? *re-reads entire thread*
Still couldn't locate any indication of this.

And I'm not slipping away, Jerry. I'm on AIM quite a bit now, but you're not! :loco:

Eric T Esquire, was the whistle blower who informed me that I was the centerpiece of conversation on Nevermore IRC chat. Every second hand helot who uses syllables in which this collective enterprise can not grasp, is labeled an RIA side project.

In all seriousness Cara my dearest, I was not too fond of your position when it came to Cara D. I thought our cybership went deeper than the estrogenic common ground in which you two shared. Though we wipe our asses in different positions, we poop in the same latrine!!
Well if I'd been on IRC you can be sure that I would have defended you. Because you, of all people, would never speak of my rump the way that he has :loco:

About the other Cara...well, we will just have to disagree. I didn't think she quite deserved all those bullets.

Oh and Acie loves you. He spoke very highly of you at Meat Camp. True story.
Reuben is a grand person indeed. I dunno if I thanked him for the fog walk we went on, only to find Bevmo closed.

He's a natural mood enhancer. *nods*
Acie is a fine young fellow with a bright future ahead of him. I hope to one day meet this lad, to allot him his brush with greatness.

Now Cara my dearest, must I say that I am quite displeased with these unabashed showings of your rump, midriff, and navel that have recently been surfacing. Eric T esquire commented over email, when questioned about your change in demeanor, "that you have carte blanch to say anything to anyone on this forum as long as you parade your dairy aire to the disheveled masses who congregate on this haphazard hell hole of a mssg board." His quote, not mine.

Frankly, it breaks my heart to see you offer yourself as a faptoy for these fiends amusement!! I implore you to remove those photos from the server of this downtrodden dystrophy support group at once, post haste!! Do not deign to disagree with my wishes, for I will offer no acceptance to your pleas! These incidences must be stymied! Filth such as Lord Red Dragon and his entourage of estrogenic blood hounds, must not be encourage by such photography, as they will soon be desensitized by such fapping material and will soon act on their impulses.