my day today


Aug 21, 2002
Oly, WA
got up at 3:30. caught first BART train at 4:24 to get to work by 5am.

first event starts streaming at 6, speakers at 6:30. slides don't get uploaded until 6:45, right as they actually start. a/v people on site at hotel in boston lose connection for a half hour because the fucking line died somehow. like no dial-tone dead. whatever. we reconnect and I'm streaming again until 9:30 or so.

next event at 8am, I totally forget about until 10 minutes beforehand. get call dialed in and realize the primary windows stream is dead. take 15 minutes to manually kick over the box and get it working again at 10 after or so. luckily the b-stream was okay.

next event is 9am - the CA Public Utilities Commission meeting. It lasts from 9am until 2 or 3. hours and hours of tedius boredom. at least today's meeting concerns the CA PG&E scandals and the public commentary could be amusing for a little while. hopefully their phone bridge won't die.

up next: company holiday lunch at 12 or so and two more simultaneous events that start at 1pm. I've been assured there will be veggie food for me to eat, but since I'm the only one in the entire company, I'm not betting on it. not that I have time to go anyway. not that I want to.
i forgot to mention the pounding headache that I soothed with an advil and coffee cocktail. and the 3 flights of stairs I must travel to deal with any audio for streaming event with slides.
i get to sit in a famous porn star's loft all afternoon trying not to stare at the 8' x 10' photos of him nude on a chaise lounge with a giant hard on.
the best is that bill has to go with me. last time we were there, bill sat on the dude's couch and all the springs were shot so when he sat down he immediately fell into a half lying sort of lounged position and couldn't get back up.