My DIs sounds weird


Aug 15, 2008
Hi all

I have a problem with my DIs of guitars : they sound very dark !
If i compare with other DIs, mine has a big lack of high frequencies.
Here is an exemple : .

I always have to use a boost in front of the amp sim because if i not, i have a terrible tightless sound.

My guitar is tuned in drop A#, and i heard DIs with lower tuned guitars which sounded more clear !

My gear is :
- PODstudio ux2
- Schecter 006 deluxe with crunchy rails pick-ups.
I changed my strings yesterday .... :goggly:

The acoustic sound of the guitar is very good.

I think it is the pick up, but i don't have a lot of money to buy another one now without be sure, i posted this thread especially to find other users of this pick up whose can say me if it is really the problem.
No it is not that too i'm sure.

I bought the ux2 today in the morning because i was sure this will solve this probleme (before, i used a samson S-direct into a shitty mixing desk, a tapco mix60), and unfortunately, it don't sound better.
I've already tested different pick, but it is also the sound of the strings ratteling (don't know if it is the good word :blush:) which isn't very present.

Yes i will call friends tomorrow to try with there guitars.
Lol another negative answer, i have two completely diferent cables (cheap and exepensive) and always the same result.

Di you think it can come from the electronic of the guitar ?
My strings gauge is 13-56 too.
I think i will buy other pick ups, but maybe not active, because i don't have enough place in the guitar for a battery :goggly: .

But lot of people are saying of this pickups they sound very clear, and some of this people are saying there are clearer than active EMG :err: .
So i must be sure if i change the pickups.

No one has this pickups ??
Nope, definitely not the issue. Danny (DCB) records all of his DIs with the UX2 and they in no way sound bad at all. Check my myspace link for "Erase Your Memory- Medusa Complex" those were reamps with UX2 DIs.

fair enough...twas a shot in the dark
Yes i'm agree but there are 4 reviews on this page ;) .

The guitar with a Paf Pro is a guitar of my friend i tested on my audio interface, i don't said i wanted to buy this pick up.
I will test the orinigal pickup of my guitar and see if i have the same problem.