My Dog Died This Morning


a prophet in cosmology
Feb 7, 2003
Mercer Island, WA
:cry: I spent the night at a friends and my mom called me on my cell, left a message and said my dog had gotten really sick this morning. He's had cancer in his throat for a few months now and he couldn't breathe or eat this morning. I came home and they'd already had him put to sleep, and buried in the backyard. I've had him since I was 6. :cry:

(doggie on the left)

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I'm so sorry, you really didn't need this now. Pets, I think, are the greatest gift of all. And I know that you were honoured to have called him yours, and vice versa.
Yeah this is all coming at a horrible time....and right after that message was one from one of my closest friends saying she was back in the mental health hospital where we first met....I'm in a different part now, she's back in the intensive part. When I got all these messages I was upset as hell, and the person I was with was all "" *rolls over and goes back to snoring* What a bum.

My puppy :erk:
damn, I am sorry to hear about your pet dying. I love animals, they are cool and fun, dogs are my favorite. My last dog was the coolest, he was a pitbull, we had to put him to sleep. it was sad. :cry: :cry:
so sorry to hear that. its horrible when pets die. they're innocent, and like jeremy said, they love you unconditionally. and animals are just fascinating to me. just, to sit and look at them and try to imagine whats going on in their mind...animals are special.

hope things get all better for ya real soon, samantha:)
damn...sorry to hear...but I hope these statements's very wise...
"everything that has a beginning has an end" - the matrix
"all good things shall come to an end whether you embrace it or not" - I dunno where I heard that...