My Kitty Died. :(

Yeah, the moot I have is 3, so he's got a decade at least to be an attention whore left. Two cats I give less then 2 years, and one, at least 12 more.
my kitty's gonna die any day now. He's not sick or anything, but he's 18. old age will take him soon.
Yeah, hug your old beasts at least once a day, in case there comes the day you can't hug it anymore.
Awww, Sammeh, I'm so sorry. *hugs* I'm trying to stop my eyes from
The toughest part about owning a pet is saying goodbye. It sounds like she had a super long and happy life with you, though!

bye bye, Clancy..terrorize those mices and birdies in kitty heaven :)
Yeah, this thread makes me really sad. I love my kitty so much... he's almost 2, but he still plays like a baby kitten. I was just wrestling him with my hands and chasing him around the house. Hopefully he'll live a long, happy life.
What a gorgeous baby Clancy was! I'm so sorry you lost her. It looks, though, like she had a beautiful life. You gave her love and comfort, and were there for her, her whole life, right through the end. There's no finer gift you could have given her.


I'm so sorry -- I know words don't heal the hole she left.
I'm sorry to hear that your kitty died and i just did as you told.
I hugged both my cats.
You buried the cat in the backyard and it brings back memories to me.
Feb 2006 we buried Wicky, serge's 13yr old Cocker Spaniel.
It was a very intense thing to do and she took away half of our grief with her, when we put her under.
There's not a day i walk through the garden and forget noticing her grave.
I'm glad wicky is close to us, where she belongs.
I wish you strength because like nightshade said, words cannot heal the hole she left.

My poor ol' Clancy died this afternoon. She'd been slowing down quite a bit over the past couple of weeks. She stopped eating last week and would only lick at her food and drink water. I spent the night at my parents last night, and this morning she couldn't even move her head. My dad called me at work a few hours later and I decided to go home to be with her. I laid next to her in bed for about an hour while she kept twitching and gasping for breath. I finally picked her up and held her til I felt her heart stop beating. I had my baby since I was 7, and had 16 great years with a great kitty. I wrapped her up in one of my baby blankets and we buried her in the backyard. If any of you have pets, go give them a great big hug and kiss right now.

RIP Clancy 1990-2007






I am sure you have heard this relentlessly but I am SO sorry for your loss. I lost my Beagle Molly almost a year ago, and I still miss her, and sometimes slip and call one of my other babies Molly. She's in animal utopia now, carrying on all of her adorable little habits with the souls of all the other beloved "pets" (::cough cough children and brothers and sisters and friends ::cough::) My condolences. :(
I hope you are doing o.k.
I know all too well how hard this is. Eleven months today I lost my best friend, Cilla. ((((((((((((((Samantha))))))))))))))

I really have no words, only tears. :cry:
