My dog died yesterday.


Nov 11, 2002
San Francisco
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Mom called from Florida, said they had to put him to sleep because he had a tumor in his stomach which prevented him from eating correctly. Poor dog had 3-4 tumors all over his body, even had to have a toe removed. :erk:

I'm pretty down, but my mom's a total mess. He was 15.

sorry dude, one of the crappier parts of life

thats the thing i hate about dogs, you usually out live them but they live long enough to where you get real attached to them.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Looks like a cool dog too. Though it's probably not any consolation, at least you were able to get 15 yrs with him. What was his name?

No kidding. He lived a pampered life, as do all of my families dogs. :)

His name was Sampson, and he lived up to his name. He was as strong as an ox.
I know the feeling. My dog had to be put to sleep on Monday, March 13, 2005. She had a massive stroke and was in pain so badly she cried up until the end. She was a Bichon Frise and she was 15 years old when she passed on. I think about her everyday. Her AKC full name was Priscilla Ann, but we called her Prissy. She was the greatest non-human being I've ever known in my life. Whenever you were sick or down in anyway, she would always be at your side unconditionally. My family and me always talk about the funny things she did. Prissy was a complete ham. My mother called me at work to tell me it was the end for Prissy and I went back in the warehouse alone and cried for what seemed like an eternity. It tore my heart out and my mother and father took it even worse because she slept in bed with them every night for 14 out of her 15 years. If somehow there is a heaven for pets I'd like to think Prissy is there. My condolences go out to you.
I know the feeling. My dog had to be put to sleep on Monday, March 13, 2005. She had a massive stroke and was in pain so badly she cried up until the end. She was a Bichon Frise and she was 15 years old when she passed on. I think about her everyday. Her AKC full name was Priscilla Ann, but we called her Prissy. She was the greatest non-human being I've ever known in my life. Whenever you were sick or down in anyway, she would always be at your side unconditionally. My family and me always talk about the funny things she did. Prissy was a complete ham. My mother called me at work to tell me it was the end for Prissy and I went back in the warehouse alone and cried for what seemed like an eternity. It tore my heart out and my mother and father took it even worse because she slept in bed with them every night for 14 out of her 15 years. If somehow there is a heaven for pets I'd like to think Prissy is there. My condolences go out to you.
Our first dog, Loki died very suddenly a few years ago. We always would joke that he would play fetch until he dropped over dead. One morning I went out back and was playing fetch with him. He suddenly dropped the stick and walked slowly back to the deck. When he hopped up on the deck, he took a step or two, the fell over and just lay there. I ran him to the vet. He had a fungus in his lungs and died very quickly after that due to respiratory arrest. He was only 10 years old. The oldest dog on record is an Australian Cattle Dog. Because of that, we always figured he'd be around for at least 15 years. After we got back from the vet, we pretty much sat in the house for three days and bawled. On the third day we actually started getting sick because we hadn't even eaten.

It's a horrible thing to go through. To me, it is, in a was worse than losing a person you love. I know that sounds weird, but the thing is that with dogs, they rely on you to survive. When Loki died, I felt, and still feel, like I was responsible and somehow let him die - even though there is no way I could have known or done anything. We were responsible for him and he died. I suppose it would be a bit like losing a child, though I'm sure nowhere near as devastating.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is, I know what you're suffering through Nailz. Try to think about how much happiness he brought to your family.
Condolences. Loosing a pet sucks. He was a brindle boxer? My grandmother's favorite dogs were boxers.
Bummer dude! Sorry to hear about this. Like Yip said, sometimes its worse than losing people, especially if you like animals better than most humans, as I do... Condolences from the ever snowy tundra of Cheeseland... :(
Sorry to hear of your loss. I went through it just a few months ago with my cat, and I only had him for about 9 months...the thought of losing a dedicated 15-year companion just gives me the willies. :(
I'm sorry for your loss. Samson looked like he was the family protector, but I bet he had the sweetness of a bunny rabbit. I hope your mom is doing better soon.

I agree with Dub, people suck, but the love and devotion of an animal is unbelieveable!
Thanks guys. He was a great dog. :) ... he just deserved a more fitting going out, instead of a fucking stomach tumor, you know? We're all doing a lot better.

Mag: Yes, he was a boxer. I love boxers.
Yip: Don't blame yourself for that kind of thing, there's absolutely nothing you can do, or could have known. As long as you gave the pet a good home and made it happy, thats all they really ask for.
Pellaz: I remember reading about your cat. And You'd think it gets easier, but I've lost 5 dogs now over the course of my life (and i'm only 28, jeez.. 3 now have died of old age, one had cancer, and one got stung by a bee and had a bad reaction) and it still sucks a lot, but I guess it teaches you how to move on, and all of the new dogs I've gotten remind me in some way of my old dogs, of which I still remember fondly. :)
Thanks guys. He was a great dog. :) ... he just deserved a more fitting going out, instead of a fucking stomach tumor, you know?

Yeah, my cat was claimed early by liver cancer. :erk:

Pellaz: I remember reading about your cat. And You'd think it gets easier, but I've lost 5 dogs now over the course of my life (and i'm only 28, jeez.. 3 now have died of old age, one had cancer, and one got stung by a bee and had a bad reaction) and it still sucks a lot, but I guess it teaches you how to move on, and all of the new dogs I've gotten remind me in some way of my old dogs, of which I still remember fondly. :)

(ick, stung by a bee)

Thanks for that...eventually I'll get a new cat. ....Or a kitten, since my friend Ripper continues to promise/threaten to get me one. :)
I still haven't removed the scratching post from my bedroom, or the giant bag o' litter from the laundry room...they're waiting patiently for the next bundle of joy.