My Dying Bride - The Dreadful Hours

I will never get over the loss of violin in MDB, that's the whole reason I started listening to them in the first place (back then, not as many bands used violins as now). It took me a very long time to accept 34.788% Complete as a good album without the violin, and now I do consider it to be chock full of some of MDB's best songs.

There is not a single song on The Dreadful Hours that I would say is as good as The Whore, the Cook, and the Mother or Under Your Wings and Into Your Arms, which are both 2 of the top 10 MDB songs, imo.
I think La Figlia Tempesta is one of the songs that bothered me the most, it's the really long song with the softer parts. The softer parts have a guitar riff that seems almost completely lifted from The Cry of Mankind, showing that MDB are running out of ideas and reusing ones that they have before.
Firstly, the intro to Le Figle Della Tempesta sounds almost EXACTLY like the outro to The Cry of Mankind. Ambient noises with almost the same melodic theme. That theme is almost the exact same as the main riff of The Cry of Mankind, and it is repeated throughout about half of the 10 minute song. I think this is one of the worst MDB songs, and it is so long that it is hard to pass it up.
ok....Le Figle Della Tempesta is an awesome song! :)

but anyway...The Dreadful Hours is a great great album...i am very addicted to it...


Like Gods of the Sun, Angel and the Dark River, and Turn Loose the Swans are better...and i dont know if it's becuz of the violin...maybe yes..maybe not...but My Dying Bride still have the same style of guitar and song structure...

and they're still amazing at it :)
uh many ppl think that the clean riff in Le Figlie sounds just like in the cry of mankind? also the cry of mankind does not have any sort of ambient intro at all, if you call keyboards ambient than thats just being close minded, in le figlie the first 3 notes of a what? 10 note riff sound similar to the cry of mankind but i can assure you that its played completely different and its only 3 notes not played in the same order
IMHO, TDH is their weakest album. The Dreadful Hours, The Raven and the Rose, and My Hope the Destroyer are as strong as anything they've done, but the rest don't really do it for me, I always skip tracks 3 and 4, I find them boring. TLATEOTW was much stronger, I reckon if you took half the tracks off that and added them with the 3 I mentioned, you'd have an album on par with their best.