My Epic Story


Feb 27, 2006
Alright...about an hour ago, I went into my music class before it started. The previous class, music business, had just left, but their teacher was still in there. He's a 50-ish Jewish guy, fyi. I happen to be wearing my Celtic Frost shirt today. I sit down, and mind my own business.

A minute later he says "Celtic Frost? Are they still around?"
Me: "Yes"
Him: "I was their publicist back in...'84 and '85."
Me: :OMG:
Him: "Yeah...I worked for three bands. The other two were later. It was...King Diamond and Voivod."
Him: "Then I become the editor of Metal Maniacs magazine."
Me: :OMG:
Him: "'Look at him now' you say. People get older, tastes change."

As soon as I got back here I looked him up on our site, and apparently it's all true.

Our Site said:
In a 30 year career in the music business he has worked as a radio and recording studio engineer, producer, and musician, record retailer and distributor, recording artist, trade journalist, record promotion, publicity, and A&R consultant, radio programmer, director at an early online music company, and editor of many music publications, including Creem Special Issues, Sheet Music Magazine, and Rock Scene.

I'm sure Ken will appreciate this, perpetuating the metal teacher stereotype. :lol:

EDIT: Upon further review, it was actually the short-lived Metal Mania magazine. I guess I misheard him.
The manager of Wallgreens in Aurora asked me about my Powerfest shirt yesterday. "I grew up listening to Atheist and Solitude Aeturnus and other bands like that," he said. Awesome.