My Event Opal Story

So they actually sound different now? Meaning both speakers were bad when you got them?

Yea way different!

One of the woofers was bad and both of the power amps needed to be replaced, as well as the tweeter. Yea they sound like a totally different monster now. The low end is so much bigger and more focused. My opals would not get really loud before either. They got loud but i mean like really really loud. For as big as the power amp was i was a little shocked my ns10's would get louder than the opals. Wish i would have caught that as a warning sign that maybe the power amps had a problem or something. It all worked it self out in the end!
That's definitely a sucky experience. I had one when I ordered my ASP8s 2nd hand from Rode. They came in sounding mismatched, and even after the 'repair' they were still off. That's what prompted buying the Opals in the first place... one of the better bits of misfortune I had, looking back!
I've got my Opals few days ago. Great sound after my old ESI nEar 05 =)
But there are 2 problems:
1) There is static noise. Even if nothing is connected. Not too loud. But long sitting in 1 meter from them without sound tires me a lot. Is that normal? Or they should be absolutely silent when nothing connected?
2) One of the speakers lost most of its low-mids yesterday. If I turn the level very very high, low-mids sometimes are there. Then I turn the level down. Low-mids are there for 5-20 seconds an then they suddenly disappear again.
I've got them new from official dealer. So I hope they will fix these problems.
BTW the pots on my one are made very rough. For example "Freq" pot on one is pointing on 220 as minimum and 70 as maximum (should be 40 and 280 respectively). Not what you expect from professional equipment.
Probably they send to Russia the worst ones. Because we have here scarcity on professional equipment and swallow everything. I don't know.
Bad luck... =(
I've got my Opals few days ago. Great sound after my old ESI nEar 05 =)
But there are 2 problems:
1) There is static noise. Even if nothing is connected. Not too loud. But long sitting in 1 meter from them without sound tires me a lot. Is that normal? Or they should be absolutely silent when nothing connected?
2) One of the speakers lost most of its low-mids yesterday. If I turn the level very very high, low-mids sometimes are there. Then I turn the level down. Low-mids are there for 5-20 seconds an then they suddenly disappear again.
I've got them new from official dealer. So I hope they will fix these problems.
BTW the pots on my one are made very rough. For example "Freq" pot on one is pointing on 220 as minimum and 70 as maximum (should be 40 and 280 respectively). Not what you expect from professional equipment.
Probably they send to Russia the worst ones. Because we have here scarcity on professional equipment and swallow everything. I don't know.
Bad luck... =(

There have been quite a bit of reports on quality issues with Opals lately, so I doubt it's a regional thing. Anyway, as long as you're covered by the warranty, the dealer should take care of you :)
The hiss is normal. I inquired with Event about it as soon as I got them. Went through 3 sets just to make sure, but the hiss seems to be just a symptom of their design. The general spiel is that the older folk have trouble hearing it, but the younger dudes are generally wondering wtf is going on. I wasn't particularly amused until I got used to it a few months down the track.

The retarded knob placement is common to all Opals I've used (~6 sets). I'm not sure why that isn't corrected at the factory, but I've not used a single Opal that's indicated pot positions correctly.