My favorite new age black metal bands.

didnt wanna mention ruins cos they're not really what he's looking for but what the hell

rain upon the impure is amazing, as you know from my hyping on belting I'm sure.
Thanx goes to Mr. DWolfwood for RUTI for me. I know both bands are different, but this rivals Fas by DSO for me. You want superb BM? Then pick this up and feel your nuts shrink!!
Also where's the best place to start with Shining? I keep hearing about them but never checked them out. Melodic black metal sounds nice I guess.
No way.

either The Eerie Cold or the new album. V halmstead all the songs sound exactly the same (rather one of two things). Theres not much diversity on the other albums but theres some cooler music on The Eerie Cold, and much better guitar on VI klagospher or whatever the fuck it is.

The thing that got me on The Eerie Cold was the lead guitar playing. Its about as 70s prog rock as a Black metal band could've been in 2005.
i can't disagree with your suggestion of the eerie cold, which is just as good as halmstad in my books, but how could you suggest the new album to someone just getting into them? it hardly represents them, it would be like introducing an opeth fan with watershed.
Eh, I would've reccomended GR or Deliverance to a new opeth fan. I think the new album is a great direction for them to go in. None of the annoying vocals that he did and much better guitar playing imo. I mean how can it not represent the band? they wrote and recorded it.

Like i'd reccomend the new Goatwhore album to anyone with Funeral Dirge over any of the other albums, because i think they are the best two albums.

Even still the difference between watershed and the average opeth album is much bigger than VI and the other Shining Albums. They still have that instrumental track, clean sections and same formula in general. Watershed only has growling for like 2 songs and then 30 seconds on Hessian Peel.
Really, I'm torn between Halmstad and Klagopsalmer for Shining's best album. Halmstad is excellent but I like the "progressive" turn that they've taken on Klagopsalmer.

On an unrelated note, the Thorn's self-titled is excellent as well. Can't wait till Snorre finally gets around to releasing the next album.
the only black metal band I really like is Sportlov. some pure brutal black metal.
Snöbollskrieg is awesome.