My favourite album ever!

Aug 18, 2003
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Choirs Of The Eye

It's great how things happen in this can listen to all instruments (nothing is hidden after the mixing process). I have just downloaded all your albuns (sorry guys, but I live in Brazil and I would probably pay US$ 90 for your cd) and it seems that you now are less metal than ever and that's not a bad thing in my opinion. The lyrics are very cool, it's like you closing your eyes and dreaming, creating images of them in your mind. Total orgasm!

Just one question: A Pitcher Of the end why you don't sing all this phrase "While snow falls quietly all around."?

Keep on the good working folks!
(I got a question for the band too.

Does it make you sort of squeamish when other people praise your work really highly?

I know when I have to write a paper or something..and I put a lot of effort into and I give it to someone to peer edit or whatever, I get really uncomfortable when they're all "omg this paper is so good blah blahb lahblabhalhbah."

And it would certainly make me uncomfortable to have someone call my album their "favorite album ever" (or even album of the year) just a few days after it's released. But maybe Heart doesn't know english well and didn't understand what he was saying! Who knows.

Okay sorry. Had to ask.)
I'm not band, but...

I feel the same way--I take praise poorly. But that doesn't mean it's always false.

It can really depend on age, too. One important thing I learned in adolscent psych classes is that to an adolescent, if something bad happens, it's the WORST THING EVER, and something good is the BEST THING EVER. Not just like IM-speech 4eva stuff, but real things. Like, if you're forbidden from going out with your friends one weekend, it's a fucking tragedy. If you get a bad haircut, it's a CATASTROPHE. Thinking back to my teen years, yeah, that's how I was. So for people to give high praise, especially as adolescents, is not uncommon, and they could genuinely mean it!

Or maybe Heart in Pieces just knows what he likes right away.
Firedwarf, the point is that for years I had never felt something in music again like when I listened to COTE. That implies that I liked so much this album.

Maybe yes, I don't know so much about english, it isn't my first language, but I'm sure my thread tiltle means exactly what I want to make clear here.
Yes xfer...I didn't take it as a insult. Sometimes here in this virtual world it's difficult to figure out what the person on the other side really express. And in my case it is worse because english isn't my first.

Ok, now someone please answer my question!
Heart in Pieces, if you send $15 USD to the address on our site, I'll send you a CD.

Also as far as the lyrics, you'll notice that there are several places where lyrics had been written that don't appear in the music. It's because Byron wrote the lyrics as poems without regard to how they would fit. It was my job to arrange them musically afterward. Marathon, especially, is missing about half the lyrics. The Antique leaves out a couple lines.
on the otherside, i always feel mad weird GIVING the praise.

i kind of feel like this: ~(^_^)~
FuSoYa said:
Heart in Pieces, if you send $15 USD to the address on our site, I'll send you a CD.

Also as far as the lyrics, you'll notice that there are several places where lyrics had been written that don't appear in the music. It's because Byron wrote the lyrics as poems without regard to how they would fit. It was my job to arrange them musically afterward. Marathon, especially, is missing about half the lyrics. The Antique leaves out a couple lines.

Thanks for the answer man. And about send you $15, now it's impossible. The economic situation here don't allow me to do that. The currency here (it's called Real) is so below the dollar. 4 dollars = 1 Real more or less. But I hope to buy your albuns as soon as possible.
Heart In Pieces said:
Thanks for the answer man. And about send you $15, now it's impossible. The economic situation here don't allow me to do that. The currency here (it's called Real) is so below the dollar. 4 dollars = 1 Real more or less. But I hope to buy your albuns as soon as possible.

At least the computer and the internet work.
If it's any consolation.... I tend to vomit when Greg solos just picturing him getting guitar face.
What a rude thread.

Gee, I think I'll go to a bands forum where it's pretty clear that the band members are frequent posters and tell them that I love their album that I downloaded for free and then proceed to tell them that I refuse to buy their cd becuase I'm too much of a fucking cheapskate.

Guess in addition to the economic crisis there's a tact crisis.
I appreciate you sticking up for us Ian, but I'm sypathetic to Heart In Pieces' situation. Like I said earlier, I think downloading the album is OK under extenuating circumstances such as these.

I think people ought to take it upon themselves to make the judgement call whether they can afford a CD or not - i think if you can't, fine, download it. If you can, you should buy it.

I've heard pretty bad stories about parts of Brazil, and as an American, i don't want to play the cliché part of American ignoramus when I don't have any experience with Brazil. For all we know, 15 USD to him may be like 70 dollars to us, which is too much to spend for a CD.