My favourite album ever!

I'm guilty of downloading a lot because I can't afford everything (and for reviewing purposes) and in most cases I want to make sure something is worth buying before I spend my money on it, but when I do download things, I don't generally think it's a good idea to tell the band that I did so. Language barrier doesn't excuse lack of common sense. If he wanted to praise you for making a great album, awesome, you guys deserve it, but to blatantly point out that he downloaded the album and won't be buying anytime soon is just unnecessarily rude. I'm not saying that there isn't an economic situation there that prevents him from being able to purchase luxuries reasonably, there probably is and I can respect that. Some things are just better left unsaid I suppose.
IanDork107 said:
What a rude thread.

Gee, I think I'll go to a bands forum where it's pretty clear that the band members are frequent posters and tell them that I love their album that I downloaded for free and then proceed to tell them that I refuse to buy their cd becuase I'm too much of a fucking cheapskate.

at least the guy is honest. straight up admitting to the poverty... it's kind of inspiring. :tickled: