My first 5150 tone, Most recent work (Juicy tones inside)

not bad at all dude! Only listening on average speaker at the moment, but it sounds pretty good to me! :)
It's fun using real amps isn't it? XD
its very hard to make out the notes.. could be a combination of playing and choice of chords though.. is there a bass on this?
its very hard to make out the notes.. could be a combination of playing and choice of chords though.. is there a bass on this?

Yeah the tone had a lot of presence on it from the start but it was to huge to me not keep. I have some di guitars under the tone to make it more prominent, but they are a heavy band generally playing simple and heavy stuff, so there's not much to miss in my opinion. Yes there is bass I'm surprised you don't here it.

And when i say DI i mean just the dry signal with nothing on it, just enhance the transients behind the real amp tracks. I always under compensate for stuff like that because i don't want it to be too noticeable but maybe i should of put the DI's a little more upfront to enhance what's actually going on as far as the notes being played

I will note as well that this song on the ep had the least workable bass of all the other songs, Not bad just not where i'd like it to be from the mixing standpoint

But thank you for checking out the mix and posting.
not bad at all dude! Only listening on average speaker at the moment, but it sounds pretty good to me! :)
It's fun using real amps isn't it? XD

Absolutely my friend, real amps always give the production it's own organic sound and I'm glad to be putting out something different even though it may have a few things that could be noted in the future.

Listen to this mix in the car or on a solid system with a sub. it really has some sub characteristics that really make this production what i intended it to be. Heavy.

Also i would like to have everyone listen to this in a full mix spectrum because that is what my real intentions are for this mix because i don't feel the guitar tone defines the overall mix. But i had to note that this was something outside of usual set up. But Thank you man i do appreciate you kind words! :D