My First all software amp sim session!


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
I posted this in GuitarHack's mesa thread but i've since gone and updated it, fixed some pish and kinda want critique over it so here it is.

I discovered after mixing down the lead has some flaws, but hey, it's just a test! hahahah

Anyway, Guits were 2 tracks of revalver with my own patch and GH's impulses hard panned L/R and 2 tracks of Guitar Suite with a TS panned 80L/R

Bass was done withj Guitar Rig 2 Demo which runs for 20mins (I'm a cheap bastard but i record dry, load GR, make my tone and freeze, takes 5mins and i really REALLY don't wanna spend £260 on something i use for 5mins a porject if that!) :lol:

Here it is, criticism appreciated!

Oh yeah, Glenn, this was DI using the Hi'Z Edirol input so we've got our DI problem sorted! hahahah
Yeah man, that's awesome!

Wow ! Thanks !
Coming from a pro like you this means a lot for a newbie like me.

Maybe a wee bit less gain to make the mutes clearer but aye man...

Yes i tweaked revalver on only one of those two tracks (crappy cpu) and forgot to turn down the gain knob before processing and mixing both.

It has much more power!

Compared to those real amp+mic tracks ?
Do you know what amp and cab was used before mics - file names only say Joemeek, MD421 & Shure ?
Wow ! Thanks !
Coming from a pro like you this means a lot for a newbie like me.

:lol: Thanks man but i'm hardly pro!

Yes i tweaked revalver on only one of those two tracks (crappy cpu) and forgot to turn down the gain knob before processing and mixing both.

Hahaha, yeah man, Revalver fucking nails the CPU!
First time i've EVER had to use Sonar's freeze function! hahaha

Compared to those real amp+mic tracks ?
Do you know what amp and cab was used before mics - file names only say Joemeek, MD421 & Shure ?

I believe it was a Mesa 2x12 cab... Dunno about the amp.

And yeah man, see, the original was a lot tighter but i always thought the guitar tracks, especially the intro, lacked clarity and also balls! KUUURWA! hahaha
My beloved ugly home city ! :headbang:
Tomorrow start of Metalmania and no i'm not going i prefer to listen to music while lying comfortably on my bed. :loco:

You're from Katowice??

Iäm there on a night out boozing at that brewery you's have in July before starting my Masters of Rock-Metalcamp festival double!

I've got a good friend there so if you're up for a night on the boozing, give me a shout!
I think the lead-type part tone is a lot closer to the original than the rhythm tone is. Rhythm sounds a bit too middy.

Yeah, i wasn't trying to directly nail the original.

I never try and match tones or copy tones...

I always make my own and use those, regardless!

I don't even put pod patches on my pod from anyone else! hahaha