my first country rough mix.


Jun 25, 2008
vocals are rough, the acoustic is a bit out we'll proably end up redoing it. alot of the guitars are off except the end ones. it'll all be fixed

the drums are 100% on i don't care what you think, jeff did a great job on editing haha.

so this is what i have right now.

i also need to automate the violin alot more too
were also gonna be adding mandolin and banjo
and she can sing really well she was just tired and sick when we tracked lol
i like it. i don't think the guitars are off. The chorus seems really busy though. I think the vocals might be too loud at that part. You said these arent the final vocals though so when you actually do them, i hope there is some vocal harmonies at the chorus. that would rock. Overall this is pretty cool.
i really like the character and timbre of her voice but it's a little painful to listen to in the intro and some other parts. sounds like some bad autotuning or maybe it was just her singing a little flat. anyways, the vocals are rough, so it's all good =D

as for the mix, the high end is really glassy and tough to listen to for more than a little bit at a time. it sounds like you boosted EVERY instrument w/some kind of 'air' high frequency band, but like, went overboard. i'm sure you didnt, but it's just what i'm hearing! needs a beefy midrange! it's begging for it!

this mix needs MUCHO MUCHO automation bro. im talking BIG rides all over the places. adding in verbs, delays, para compression on stuff in certain parts, etc. it sounds verrrry static.

it's pretty awesome that you're tracking a country band though! =D

just my thoughts, bro..
Wow dude, I agree there's something odd with the vox - "end" in "end like this" actually feels sharp rather than flat, and a lot of the notes feel very separated - did she sing that way, or did you do a ton of slicing? And good god that accent, at parts she almost sounds more like a gaellic singer than country to me tbh, but hey, money is money :D I dig the acoustic though, but I agree it's a bit crisp/fatiguing (especially on the pick attacks). And I like the fiddle, though it gets a bit buried at times IMO

Curious as to what you used for verb on the vox though, sounds good!
Ooh, some timing issues in the strummed acoustic though, especially close to the beginning of the solo, and then kicking in after. And I wouldn't mind the drums a bit more upfront personally, though of course I know this isn't a WHAMBAMKABLAM metal mix :D

EDIT: Whoops, just re-read your OP, so you already know - nevermind then! :D
the tuning on the vocals is really bad. Also there's alot of noise going on. I'd redo the vocals. Also the kick could come up, and the bass too. Country music usually has really thick bass.
i am 100% aware that she's off thats why we are doing the real vocal tracking sunday/saturday haha. and yeah there is ALOT of automation to be done i mean this is really just the beginning on the mix