My first mix - Opinions will be appreciated !


Oct 10, 2009
Hey everyone, been coming to these forums for a while but just recently joined. I've been working on this album (my first) for a few weeks now. It needed some editing. Guitars are POD Farm, this was mixed in Pro Tools 8. Drummer was actually quite good, but needed sample reinforcement on snare and kick. I ordered Drumagog for this, it will sound better once I get that as far as sample variety and dynamics. But for what it is, a rough mix, I would like to hear some opinions ! Thanks everyone.
sounds good once the drums are beefed up a bit

is that just dry or are they mixed already.

I would have some fun with compression and a touch reverb on them if not, you could get most of the way there.
Hey wolfhalen, thanks for the kind words! The drums are pretty dry right now, just some slight reverb, some EQ, a gate / expander on some things, and a little compression to punch through the distorted guitars. I will mix them some more when I get Drumagog to enhance the snare and kick sounds , and maybe the toms. I'm thinking when I get closer to the final mix I may try out some parallel compression, I hear that's a great trick for drums. What do you think about parallel compression?