My first dose of After Forever


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
Honestly, I've often overlooked After Forever until Glenn tossed up their name as the headliner the other day. With that said, I've listened to their latest disc and I can totally understand Glenn's reasoning behind lining them up. After listening to the disc twice, I totally agree that they have cross over appeal. The band has both prog and power elements in their music. My initial reaction too was, that if you like Nightwish's sound from Once, then After Forever's latest is sure to please. Needless to say, I'm finding the band's sound very interesting, so I'm going to delve into their back catalog.

Basically, Glenn your resoning makes total sense to me.
Invisible Circles is the only one I own and even though it took me a couple of listens, I really do enjoy it. The spoken soap opera vocals need to go, but the music is great and some of the tunes are really catchy once you understand the flow of the whole CD. It's more of a complete listen CD than a collection of single songs... I hope that makes sense... Looking forward to buying the new one and seeing them live!
If you liked what you heard, then just buy them all. They simply don't have a large enough catalog to warrant selectively purchasing each disc based on recommendations, and they are all quite good. Although each different in their own way, After Forever has not reinvented their sound with any of their releases so you're gonna be pretty safe in that regard.
I only have Invisible Circles and I honestly have no clue why I never picked up anything else. I just ordered their latest and now am looking forward to getting it even more.
Invisible Circles is my personal favorite, but honestly, I think you will be pleased with any of their material you buy.
Invisible Circles is the only one I own and even though it took me a couple of listens, I really do enjoy it. The spoken soap opera vocals need to go, but the music is great and some of the tunes are really catchy once you understand the flow of the whole CD.

I put that one in my car CD changer by accident (I had intended to put in Decipher) and we all pretty much concluded that the spoken-word parts were, um, wretched. Otherwise sounded good musically. BUT....I wanted to re-listen to Decipher, which I'll get to later this weekend.

Nice Auryn avatar, BTW! I'm wearing one right now. </geek> :heh:
I bought Invisible Circles and ReImagine a while back and they both fell way short of expectations...I will have to give them a try again