My first EZdrummer song!

Downloaded it. As I always say you (got to have a more cowbell :)) need more velocity variations on snare rolls. Other that that is sound great - good job on a hihat on the beggining of the song .
dig this.....good work. With the exception of the aforemention snare rolls, I almost forgot I was listening to programmed drums which is always cool in my book.

Am also getting into EZ Drummer in a big way and loading my own loops into the thing and screwing around with it. An interesting tool when combined with others in achieving some great drum tracks. Well done.
Yeah, sounds good! I'm a happy ezdrummer user as well, the only gripe at this point is the kick sounding painfully artificial during intense double-bass parts so I trigger my own kick. Here's one hoping the XPpacks bring us good kick samples, long live EZ! :kickass:
Very cool. Kind of reminds me of Kreator. And the sound is fine. I'd like to hear it with some chunky growling bass.:headbang:
I use Samplitude so does EZ drummer work within the confines of Host SW or stand alone.

Dig the recording and the tune. I just realized that's POD XT on the guitars. Care to post your patch here? I thought it was a real tube amp at first, and I'm not easy to fool. What plugins (if any) did you use on the guitars in that clip?

EZDrummer sounds great. Definitely impressive results, that make me more interested in the product than ever.
here is the PODxt tone and the post eq settings. no plugins was used, exept compression.
pod in thru USB.


Ronnie, what I really noticed was your riffs. I really like the part at 0:51 and at 2:07, that playing is really good, as well as the riff :headbang:. Nice work on that! :)

The tone is cool, the drums sound cool. Keep it up man!

Ronnie...have you ever used DFHS?

Regardless of the answer, I'm seriously considering just ordering EZD like literally right now online with SweetWater. It seems to be a great tool to do some quick good is the mixing options? How far are you able to go with eq and compression, etc.? Maybe some screens shots of your typical EZD session so we can all take a look inside, a little more than ToonTrack shows?

Also...since I have DFHS would I be able to use it with EZD?
