My first metal mix...

The Ocean King

New Metal Member
Jul 17, 2006
I have this one song on my myspace..

we recorded everything in the band's rehearsal space. And the room was a fuck...tile walls, huge windows, no carpeting no nothing..... well that's all we had. And it was my first time recording, mixing and producing a band. Just take a listen...
Sounds really good man, I would of liked the kick to be a little more rockin but nice job! Reminded me of In Flames kind of
shit fucking kills, great job especially for what you had man id like some more info

preamp, Mic's, guitars, cabs, all that good stuff :rock:
the good ol' 5150 it is. Marshall 4x12. I had a SM58 on axis and SM57 off axis. Through the shittiest Behringer mixer. And then I just put some BBE Sonic Maximizer on the SM58 track. That's the guitar sound. No extra EQ, no extra Comp. Only the BBE.
Bass went throuhg the same shitty Behringer Mixer. On drums we had Presonus to have eight tracks. We had the really basic drum mics. Two overheads (AKG 1000c), and 57 on snare. Rest I can't remember. 4 on toms and one in bass drum.
On vocals...SM58 and the same shitty Behringer thing.

That's pretty much how we recorded everything..

My soundcard is the EMU 1212m.
so they say its not the gear its who is using it and you did a hell of a job with that!!

I know cause i have a behringer ada8000 which is my 8 preamps for drums and everything actually i have 2 stock digi preamps but those are on the same level i think!
Well done. I like it when someone works intuitively with what's on hand and produces good results. On that basis, I'm sure you're mixes will be killer if and when even better resources are available to you.