my first mix in ages, what do you guys think?


Jul 5, 2007
Croydon (south london) UK
my comp is still broke, and i'v not been able to mix for quite some time, so i'm now on my shit comp, and managed to get this...

what needs changing? good/bad points?

all the kit it real, only triggered the snare using 40% of the sample.

here it is

any feedback would be great:) cheers in advance
Sounds really good man, toms may be a tad too loud, but other than that it sounds pretty sweet, the whole mix is clear, and the levels sound perfect. Well done!
Pretty good overall. You're missing a good amount of low end...a little from the kick, and the bass guitar is hard to hear, and impossible to feel. As mentioned, the toms are too loud, and I also would spend some more time EQing them...they're pretty muffled in the low mids. The guitar tone I think is actually pretty appropriate for the song, but if it's double tracked, then you need to pan them out all the way or something...they sound kind of mono to me. The vocals are a little muffled in the low mids as well, and kind of dry sounding.
Drums disappear throughout the song because of the drummer's dynamics. Best bet would be to use samples.
cheers guys! theres 3 guitar tracks, two that play the same, then one that is also the same but with a chugging riff though the verse. but didnt really know were to place it... so kept it center.

i shall have one more mix with ur input:) thanx again