My first mix on this forum.


Sep 19, 2008
Delaware, USA
This is my first mix that i've posted on the forum. My band wanted to save money so I was put in charge of mixing our EP. It's not really metal in the traditional sense, but the tones and overall sound is what I would call metal. This is the song I feel is closest to being done. I would like to know what you guys would do different since I'm still pretty new to this.

Any critiques (positive or negative) are welcome. :kickass:

Edit: I changed out the snare sample to one that isn't as snappy. I also turned it down. Let me know if its any better. Thanks.
I should add that I didn't mix this under the best circumstances (computer speakers in my apartment don't make the best monitors). So any and all help pointing out problem frequencies would be much appreciated. If anyone wants any info about what was used, I'd be glad to share.
The snare sample is too snappy, needs a little decay to sound more snare-like. Some verb wouldn't hurt, either. It sounds a little too loud, so bringing it down a little would be good as well. Otherwise it's a pretty heavy mix.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I appreciate it. I changed the snare sample and added some verb though it may be a bit too much. Let me know if its better. Thanks again.