My first mix (power/thrash)


Mojito Maniac
Apr 17, 2009
The Black Forest
Hi guys,
I`m new and here`s the story:
My name is Michael and I play drums in a power/thrash metal trio. We recently decided to record our demo/promo material ourselves and got us some (rather cheap) gear. I was the fool to accept the challenge...
So in search for info on the web this forum became an awesome resource for knowledge and I want to thank every member :worship:

So this is what I can show for now :

Song is called Wallpaper the Hell, vocals are not ready yet. I like to hear opinions please. I think it`s not bad , but maybe I`m just getting used to it.

Finally some info about the gear used :

Drums: 20 year old Yamaha Power V (cheap Fame mics and SM57clone)
Kick is 50% mine and 50% sample
Snare is replaced with a "clean" sample of my own (Sonorlite birch)

Bass : Direct out of Ampeg SVT2 - Voxengo Boogex with an impulse of the
8x10 box and my bass drum mic

Guitars : 4 tracks ,2 are mic`d - Sansamp PSA1-Reusenzehn Guitar slave- Marshall 1960A - sm57clone) . The other 2 tracks are out of the
Sansamp and reamped with impulsed from the mic`d combo above.

Check it out and tell me what could be better, thanks.
Thanks for your input !
I updated the link with a newer version. I added some mids to the guitars to give them more definition . The older version had some punch to it that I liked but it just sounded to muddy and pressed I guess.
I also took out some ring out of the snare at 490hz , hope you like it better.
I think you should try to get some more punch out of that snare and bring it down a little, it's a bit overwhelming to me.
The rest sounds quite good to me so far.
New version is up (link in the op), with vocals this time.
New input is always welcome because I had to do it with my crappy speakers at home , cause the PC in the rehearsal room doesn`t cut it.
It sounds still kinda rough , I`ll probably work on it some more - but maybe there is no more headroom with the way it was recorded.

Anyway, I learned so much during doing that song , and I think as a test it passed very well. The next song(s) are going to be much better I think.
Again thanks a lot to the community for sharing.