My first mixing project (Another Mask - Deposition)


Sep 17, 2012
Moscow, Russia
Hey guys, some time ago I've created a thread here about mixing my band's LP. A lot of you have been very responsive and helpful. These forums gave me confidence to do the project myself and I've learned a whole lot from it.
The record is now finally out and I'd like to share it with you.

You can download it for free (or pay what you want) on our bandcamp:

I still have raw files, so if anybody would want to practice mixing on shitty sources, I can put something out.
There are decently recorded real drums and DIY ghetto recordings of everything else.

UPD: Haven't mentioned the most important thing! All the processing in this project was done with Reaper stock plugins and freeware plugins.
HUGE thanks to Ermz for the Systematic Mixing Guide - made the process a lot easier.

UPD2: Some raw tracks:
Crystal Spheres (105 BPM):
Guided Missiles & Misguided Men (125 BPM):
Won't Last Forever (90 BPM):
Sounds good, love your tone in your voice! Very catchy stuff.
Put raws for guided missiles, won't last forever! Great songs

You sound like Jonny Craig:) would have been fun to mix this album
anotherpaul, congrats! great album :kickass:

I would also like to see the raw tracks, especially the third song - Crystal Spheres.
Updated the OP.
Haven't mentioned the most important thing! All the processing in this project was done with Reaper stock plugins and freeware plugins.
HUGE thanks to Ermz for the Systematic Mixing Guide - made the process a lot easier.
I remember you uploaded Follow the light! I love that song :D great to see some more songs from you guys
anotherpaul - dude, loving the tracks and the raws sound pretty fantastic. Did you eq and compress on the way in when you tracked or did you just crank your preamps?
Thanks, man! Drums were recorded in a decent studio through a huge console with Neve preamps. I don't think there was any EQ or compression on the way in.
Everything else went straight into my Focusrite Saffire LE with no DI box or any external preamp.
Thanks, man! Drums were recorded in a decent studio through a huge console with Neve preamps. I don't think there was any EQ or compression on the way in.
Everything else went straight into my Focusrite Saffire LE with no DI box or any external preamp.

That's awesome - sadly no Neve pres around here haha.. Thanks again for sharing the raws, and keep up the amazing work dude! :D