my first on the forum...

I'd love to hear some more reverb/room sound on the drums. Maybe bring the snare a little more out front.

I think this will sound great once you've finished!
Great song, I love it. I can't say anything specific except that I like how it sounds, nice and thick. (I'm not good enough to offer any advice on mixing at this point either) :)
Sounds very fuckin' cool. Good riffing.
And good production : clear, powerful, natural.
Snare sounds nice already but yeah some reverb would make it sound better.

The solo sounds very Pantera-ish and very Satch-ish, which is mainly due to the squealing stuff i guess.
Drums sound just a tad muffled. That could be changed by adding a touch reverb or lifting the high pass a bit. That or even increasing the OH's, pick a method and shoot :D What kind of room did you record the drums in?

Guitar sounds are a bit thin, but not bad by any means. Guitar playing however is killer. Absolute killer.
Awesome thanks guys! The drum room is not very big at all. About 12x12. Kick and Snare are Sound Replaced, still working with them a bit. The toms are natural. I'll look into maybe thickening up 2 of the 4 rhythm guitars. Who has an opinion on the bass tone?
Tommy Gun said:
Kick and Snare are Sound Replaced, still working with them a bit. The toms are natural.

I wouldn't have guessed with the snare... Nice.

Edit: Actually I kind of hear it now that I know. Only on the snare rolls really. Sounds good, though!
I wouldn't have guessed with the snare... Nice.

Edit: Actually I kind of hear it now that I know. Only on the snare rolls really. Sounds good, though!

Thanks man. Yeah I'm doing an edit now with a little more of the natural snare in there to help it blend a little better on the rolls. Also working with the Toms a bit, mostly Gating and EQing issues.
Hmm, listening now at last dude, and I dig it a lot! Actually, it's interesting you mention the bass, because there's some pick noise in the upper mids that comes through occasionally that's MADDENINGLY distracting and annoying (the nasal "gahnga-gahnga" type of sound) - compressing the living piss out of it would probably help bring it back in, and allow you to be more gentle with eq'ing to get rid of it while preserving that range of the tone. Also, the snare I feel needs TONS more air; it's got a good pop, but no crack IMO. The guitars are a bit thin, but the tone has promise, and the solos fucking rule! Very tasteful (way moreso than Dimebag, despite the above comparison, IMO ;) ) I like the lead tone a lot, very middy.

Oh, and when the guitars drop out after the solo and it's just the kick, I realize that I think the kick needs a lot more "click" - it's got some "crack" now, but I'd like more a bit higher up. Keep up the good work man! :headbang:
Okay guys... 2nd Mix...

This one is with ALL your suggestions in mind. Any questions about tracking, micing, EQ's, whatever... I'm open to it.

METALTASTIC: Yeah, I asked about the Bass because I hadn't mixed it yet, wanted to see what everyone's opinion was before I started on it.

***EDIT: Please keep in mind as well... I don't put any mastering on my mixes. I save that for the Mastering stage, which, in this case will be handled by Mr. Murphy.
I think he means like a steel drum (featured primarily in the "Commando" soundtrack, god I love that movie :lol: )