My first paid work! :D


Mar 24, 2009
Hey, I've just finished a rough mix for the first band I've properly recorded and thought I'd get some feedback! Vocal Mastered 2.mp3

Using SSD/Superior for drums, Ampeg & Podfarm for bass, and at the moment Podfarm on guitars. The vocals were recorded with an SM7b into my Profire 2626.

The guitars are going be re-amped, probably on Tuesday. So I'll post my final version here sometime later this week!

Let us know what you think!
It sounds great my only problem is i think the snare can come up just a touch, other then that once its reamped its gonna be killer

I was thinking that, the snare does get a bit buried in places! I will raise it a bit when I remix it with the reamps.

Cheers to everyone else! I'm really happy with how its coming out :)
Mix sounds great, not too keen on guitars though... as they're pretty digital sounding so Im keen on hearing the reamped version =) Btw, super suicide silence rip off with that arpeggio lead in the middle :p
really cool vocal sound you got going! looking forward to the reamped version tho! also bass could use a little more bottom.
Are you using an stereo enhancer on guitars? They are too wide, it sounds unnatural.

Nope :confused:

Mix sounds great, not too keen on guitars though... as they're pretty digital sounding so Im keen on hearing the reamped version =) Btw, super suicide silence rip off with that arpeggio lead in the middle :p

:lol: I've not listened to a lot of suicide silence tbh, but the band wanted that bit so whatever makes 'em happy.
And about the guitars, I agree, Can't wait to get it reamped :)

I got a pm about my podfarm settings :lol:

Its just the cali diamond plate with a screamer infront going into ryans s-pres high impulse. Oh and a high/low pass, and a slight treble boost with the T-racks EQP-1A sim.
really cool vocal sound you got going! looking forward to the reamped version tho! also bass could use a little more bottom.

Yer, my room is a little bass heavy, so I tend to mix a bit light on the bass, need to compensate a little more.

Twas bound to happen mate :lol:

:lol: truth

So it´s Podfarm? no suprise at all. Most of podfarm tones have a strange stereo image. May be that.

Yer could be, I'll guess we'll find out when its reamped!

Thanks for all the feedback/criticisms its much appreciated! So far you guys have confirmed my thoughts, bit too little bass and the snare is too low, if there's anything else let us know! :kickass: