My First Photoshop

Apr 15, 2005
Ok, well I just got Photoshop, and i knew nothing about how to use it, so I messed around alittle and this came out. I know its not the greatest, and it uses and old idea, but I thought it would be the easiest to start off with. :)

not that bad for a rookie :) keep practicing dude!

What you must observe:
c)use a bit of the blur tool

Just a few points for you to improve on :)

Have fünf. It's a neat control that allows you to control the rgb channels independently and has a "smart" way to fix brightness/contrast(instead of just whitening your image when you crank brightness and making it sloppy enhancing contrast). Just try and experiment pulling the curves to make the lighting match the background, it's an extremely flexible tool.
allright, thanks.

when i look at it now, i realize how much the proportions are off :D his arm is so small and the body of the guitar is huge :lol: i dont really wanna fix it, i might just start on a new project later