My First Processed Snare Samples!

Ugh they sound pretty nice, but dude its totally clipping in the 2nd half. Sounds awful :/

And you need to hit it harder too ;p

If you've still got it set up, try take them again, 4-5 fucknhard hits (Turn the stick around and hit it AS HARD AS YOU CAN, look at the freestroke method if it hurts), 4-5 hard (normal stick position hard), 4-5 med, 4-5 soft and 4-5 ghost notes. Don't worry about flams and ghost note rolls, if you've got single hits of them the flams/rolls come out really natural anyway.
well, i'm actually done recording these drums unfortunately. i know there is clipping going on, but i'm not sure where in the chain it is coming from. i'm using a firepod and the clipping light doesn't indicate anything being too hot, nor does the signal in my daw. well, if i can make any more usefull samples in the future i'll be sure to post them.