My first PROPER mix!


Apr 17, 2009
I have to thank you guys all so much ive been taking in your advice for months and then finally tried something on my own and i think im half way to getting the kind of sound im after! It's quite a boring mix but all you're advice has been critical and i seriously appreciate it....anyway

Guitars are podx3,drums are superior, Bass is podx3
if anyone wants any more details just pm/ask in the thread..

still needs:
overdubs for some more guitar bits
a bit more production i managed a couple of hours tonight after the recording but im quite happy with it so far...

I really think somethings quite boomy though i dont know what

also HATE the fucking kick samples in superior ideally wanted to run drumagog instead but for some reason in cubase everytime i set it up the samples play fine but the midi key isnt picked up at all by drumagog in the piano roll?

nice playing...the drums are ho-hum. the mix is ok, i think you could have done more EQing/compressing/filtering in the mix stage, but can't wait to see how you finish it up,it's got potential.
i messed around with it a bit cause i wanted to hear it compressed :p

can't tell too much about the bass, sounds fine here but i got those walkman type headphones on
thanks man i did have a listen! Sounds alot better...i put a limiter on the master bus to raise the mix at the end and tried to make sure all the levels weren't clipping so ill try compressing some elements of the track more..

i just hate superior 2! i know thats probably not much of an excuse but i can never get a sound that i'm happy out of it...and i cant get drumagog to work properly...

ill rise the bass a bit ..i think my bad with that was that the tone might have been too boomy in the recording stage also my bass layer had to play the octave about the low G just because you'd need like a .160 for clarity.

Does anybody else have any more feedback? Come one guys i've had loads of views!
thanks man! like i set if anyone wants any details just hit me up im all up for sharin' :)
yeah a mate of mine said that...I think the guitars could have done with less gain. What do you think could make it more punchy? The Bass?
I would compress the drums more, but optimize them when you do it. It sounds like they're over-compressed as a whole and the wrong kind of cracky.

The guitars are nice, but need more lows.
cheers greg! the thing is with the guitars is that they already sound quite muddy already...i think im going to re-record bass and guitars and drop the gain on the guitars so see if i get a fuller you think ill really notice a difference in that if im quadtracking?
bus all the guitar tracks together and put a hipass/lowpass on them. maybe boost in the presence region a bit to contend with those overheads...and fiddle WAY more with the s2.0 mix. that unbelievably sexy built-in mixer is there for a reason. and try a different limiter on the master bus, i can barely hear it!!
I had a problem in logic of putting all guitars into one bus - it panned them all centre do i stop that happening? so you're saying i should do the hipass/lowpass AFTER i've bussed them?
yeah, your bus channel needs to be a stereo track. this won't really affect the sound of the hipass/lowpass, but this way you can quadtrack the guitars and EQ all of them with one plugin instance, saving CPU resources. also, you can use a bus compressor to "glue them together", so to speak, in some cases. if you've already lowpassed, you might be cutting a bit too much of the highs. thus the need for a little more juice in the "presence" range. some of the high presence cab impulses floating around would really make those guitars slice through.
well im using the catharsis s-pres high impulse....think i'd get better results if i sent the d.i out from the back of my trip rec and then put the impulse on top of it? ill give the bus channel thing a try ill need to figure out how to do it in cubase.