New user: Lend me your ears


New Metal Member
Mar 19, 2010

New user here, Ive been reading the Sneap forum incessantly for the last couple of months trying to garner what info I could in elevating my recording/mixing skills. I'm a a bit of a novice when it comes to all this so any advice would be greatly appreciated

This clip used the podx3 and EZDrummer (gotta start somewhere) into cubase.

Im thinking the guitars need more gain, but im trying to avoid the fizz factor with the pod.

Any recomendations on the tone and mix in gerneral?
I don't know if it's just me, but atleast it bothers me that the center of the stereoimage sounds really hollow. Do you have a bass guitar in the mix? If not, it would fill up the center and soundscape quite nicely. Also if you are going to go with just two guitars, you might want to bring the guitars just a bit closer to the center (like L50 R50 instead of hard panning). And in the beginning I would pan the lead guitar from the left to the center and double the rhythm guitar with another atke and pan that to the right to give better stereo balance, now it's a bit lopsided when the rhythm guitar is on the left and the lead guitar is on the right
Thanks for looking guys..yea the velocities of the drum hits are all maxed out, I thought the humanize function of EZDrummer would even them out..Ill change them

There is bass but its a bit low in the mix alrite.

Glad you didnt slate the tone, which was my main concern..thanks again..lots to work on