My first rate my mix post.

First and only song "January Jones"

For those who dont know how to use sound click(i just learned today) click FULL next to the song, then hi-fi to play.

Guitar: Gibson Explorer with Zakk Wylde EMG set - Peavey JSX direct out + impulses, Clean Guitar is a PRS standard SE, SOLO - Ibanez rga

Bass - Ibanez SR505 - SWR solid state head - ampeg 8x10 - 57/d112/subkick

Drums - Slate kick 1b, snare 11(maybe), fat toms

cymbals - just random single hits ive downloaded from the forum they dont sound good at all, but i made drum kit.

How i recorded the drums was i set up a 57 on a piece of rubber and had it set up monitor with trigger the drum i was playing when i hit the rubber with a drum stick and played every drum singularly then strip the silence and auto correct them to the grid. took a hell of alot of time *do note this is only a demo and just testing out some stuff but none the less

What do you guys think of the tones/mix/song its self?
i would get a real drummer to program these parts or something. The song is really lacking because you can tell there is not any energy in the drums because a drummer would never play what is programmed. Its too..... weird i guess. More realistic drum programming!
Well do you mean first post or first mix ? Because if it's a first mix than it's pretty impressive, good job overall, you can only get better but you started well ^^
think he mean its his first post up for rating / advice.

yeah this, i started getting into production about maybe a year ago. my dad owns a live sound company/used to record bands way back so he kinda helped me get into it, my first project was my bands old EP, which i mixed.. which was terrible, but alright considering i had never mixed or attempted mixing anything before and that the whole thing was recorded/mixed in 5 days lol. i then mixed an indie rock project with my friend which turned out.. much better. and recently i just tracked a full album for a kind of 70s psychedelic rock band just all friends of mine nothing big.

but yeah this is my first like metal mix where i actually took the time to record to a click, and record guitar to the drums instead of the opposite. and my first time using impulses/ direct out of my amp.
a drummer would never play what is programmed. Its too..... weird i guess. More realistic drum programming!

do you mean he would never play those beats? or what like i know its pretty bad and unrealistic. i think it still sounds like a beat you can tap your foot to though. theres some fills that sound really unrealistic, but its fucking impossible to program/record fills the way i do it. i have to record the entire fill playing the snare then cut it up and move it to the tom/cymbal fx tracks. but deff thanks for the tip i shall attempt to make them sound more realistic.

and thanks for checking it out guys it means a lot to me! :grin: