My first single release for band is complete... or is it?

Pretty much the same as Catharsis vocal chain, cept a few tweaks. Mainly me using free plugins :P I also put desser then EQ

1, waves rvox
gate: -49.0
comp: -26.6
gain -5.6
thresh: -16.7
attack .50
release 59.3
ratio 10.26
gain: 13.2
3.eq (just kill some 240hz
4.BT analog trackbox (moar compression)
thresh: -26.1
release 236
ratio 6:4:2
make up 1.5db
5. de-esser

That just tweaked to suite my mix, slight verb and delay, good to go!

And if you really wanna get into detail, it was a Rode NT2A, through my Pro 40
This sounds incredibly trebly, maybe too much so, but more importantly dude this song is great. Post your band's link so I can follow you guys.
Sounds great but the vocals have let it down given the potential they have. His voice is sick - fucking raw, brutal, in your face and all that but he screams at the same pitch for 90%... it looses the impact if I'm honest. Its not necessarily your fault but if there was some variation then this song could have been memorable rather than just good. Listen to Hollow Crown and the stuff Sam does with his voice in terms of pitching and how hard he pushes his voice. This dude has a fucking rad voice and could easily get near that level.

Solid mix though man, I liked it overall.