My friend's accidental Street Teaming...


Feb 2, 2002
So my friend calls me from the King Soopers he works at. He tells me that no managers are there, so he put on the "Power Rock" Muzak station through out the store... and when he turned it on, they were playing 'Only'!!!!! :hotjump:
That was a while before he called. SO, anyways... then he says "Holy Shit, Dude! Check it out!!"
And I hear a familiar tune with vocals like "And now I'll never have to be alone! What it is I am... You have always been my Safe Home!!!"
I soiled my underwear.
DarbysDad said:
Grocery shopping and Anthrax. Did your freind allow customers to drink and slam while pushing their carts around.
Hehe. Probably.
This is the same friend who, on his last day working at SoundTrack, played S.O.D. on the stereos in the store!
"Kill Yourself, Kill Yourself! Why don't you Kill Yourself?
Thanks for shopping at SoundTrack. Have a nice day." :)
This is sort of related to this, when I used to work at FYE, the record store, my co-worker and I decided to play "Even Superman Shot Himself" by Powerman5000, this was when Doomsday was supposed to come out. Well, the people from home office or wherever the fuck they worked decided to stop by and we got written up because it wasn't the stores cd's. it was bullshit, we worked a fucking record store and because it wasn't some corporate piece of shit music, we got in trouble. :hotjump:
Hey, I did some "Accidental" street teaming in high school! My English teacher used to listen to classical music between classes. There was always music on when we came in. One day when the teacher was out of the room, I asked my friend to dare me to change out the classic tape for Among the Living. This was back in the day. Anyway, there was a guy in the class who had similar tastes in music. and he immediately loved the idea. He went and did the switch himself. It took awhile for anyone to notice. After we were all in and had a chance to settle down, someone finally asked what we were listening to. It was "I am the Law", and I was kind of worried that I would be in real trouble if the teacher deciphered that they were saying the F-word! She didn't, or at least didn't make a big deal about it. I was ultimately busted because I had to claim my tape back. :tickled:
I did a speech in 8th grade about censorship and I played Startin' Up A Posse. The teacher had this worried look for part of it and laughed for the rest. That teacher was pretty cool.
I had to recite a poem in 11th grade where we could use props and music. The poetry piece was about time, so I used a short son called "Time something"? from Triumph. Yes I fucking old. Cool teacher he talked to us about KISS and played an Alan Partridge Project album based on Edgar Allan Poes the Raven.
CyThrax said:
If they played Anthrax in all the stores, maybe I'd go shopping more often with the Missus :)
Dude do the shopping one day. You'd be surprised at all the hot chicks you see and checkout girls mmmm!!!!!!!!!!!
DarbysDad said:
Dude do the shopping one day. You'd be surprised at all the hot chicks you see and checkout girls mmmm!!!!!!!!!!!
That's correct! (except the checkout girls)

And, bRaT- It's snowing.....