Glenn Fricker
Very Metal &Very Bad News
Easy ways to get even with the fuckers:
(BTW, they're funny as hell, but yeah, have at 'em!)
1) Wait till one of 'em is driving home from your place. Call the cops with a description of his vehicle & license plate number. Add that he is "driving erratically, possibly intoxicated" as well as "looked like he might have a handgun tucked into his belt" Guaranteed he'll have about seven cops stomping the shit out of him in about 10 minutes. Just call from a pay phone.
2) Call the cops about a suspected meth lab in your friend's house.
3) Call the IRS about suspected money laundering due to said meth lab.
4) A few of my friends did this to a guy at work. I'm not sure how you could apply it to your situation, but if the opportunity arises, this is good for a great laugh:
A friend of ours ordered a new truck. Brand new Dodge Ram pickup. Absolutely beautiful. He went on & on about it for weeks before it came in.
Another friend, sick of the first guy's boasting, had his cousin call up the first guy about 4 days after he picked it up & said there was a recall coming up in a few weeks due to faulty brakes & scheduled an appointment to bring it back to the dealership. He even called again a few days later just to confirm the appointment.
Well, the day of the recall arrives & the first guy heads down to the dealership: "I'm here to bring my truck in for the recall."
Dealership: "What recall?"
Needless to say, he was pissed & didn't say very many kind things to the poor people working at the dealership. We were all working afternoon shift that week, & it was timed so he'd have to come into work immediately after.... all the while, fuming about a phony recall. And here's the rub:
The second guy said to him, "Dude! We just heard on the radio about some sort of scam going around. Thieves target new vehicle owners & call them up about a recall to get them out of their houses so they can rob you!"
So off the first guy goes, to the pay phones to call up his mom to get her to drive out to his house to check on it! By that time, we were laughing too hard to keep up the charade. For the rest of the night, he had to put up with people asking, "Hey man, how do you like your new truck?"
I have never seen anyone turn that shade of red ever again.
(BTW, they're funny as hell, but yeah, have at 'em!)
1) Wait till one of 'em is driving home from your place. Call the cops with a description of his vehicle & license plate number. Add that he is "driving erratically, possibly intoxicated" as well as "looked like he might have a handgun tucked into his belt" Guaranteed he'll have about seven cops stomping the shit out of him in about 10 minutes. Just call from a pay phone.
2) Call the cops about a suspected meth lab in your friend's house.
3) Call the IRS about suspected money laundering due to said meth lab.
4) A few of my friends did this to a guy at work. I'm not sure how you could apply it to your situation, but if the opportunity arises, this is good for a great laugh:
A friend of ours ordered a new truck. Brand new Dodge Ram pickup. Absolutely beautiful. He went on & on about it for weeks before it came in.
Another friend, sick of the first guy's boasting, had his cousin call up the first guy about 4 days after he picked it up & said there was a recall coming up in a few weeks due to faulty brakes & scheduled an appointment to bring it back to the dealership. He even called again a few days later just to confirm the appointment.
Well, the day of the recall arrives & the first guy heads down to the dealership: "I'm here to bring my truck in for the recall."
Dealership: "What recall?"
Needless to say, he was pissed & didn't say very many kind things to the poor people working at the dealership. We were all working afternoon shift that week, & it was timed so he'd have to come into work immediately after.... all the while, fuming about a phony recall. And here's the rub:
The second guy said to him, "Dude! We just heard on the radio about some sort of scam going around. Thieves target new vehicle owners & call them up about a recall to get them out of their houses so they can rob you!"
So off the first guy goes, to the pay phones to call up his mom to get her to drive out to his house to check on it! By that time, we were laughing too hard to keep up the charade. For the rest of the night, he had to put up with people asking, "Hey man, how do you like your new truck?"
I have never seen anyone turn that shade of red ever again.