My G SSL Compressor Build


Mar 22, 2006
So about a year ago, a friend of mine bought me some boards to make a couple of GSSL's, one for him, one for me.

Finally I've got round to beginning to put them together and thought i'd share it with ya!

The boards came from audio kitchen, and also got crc and turbo boards from expat audio.

Parts were mostly ordered from mouser so I didn't have to order enormous quantities of weird value resistors.
Pretty sure I got nice xicon metal film ones.
Caps are 99% Nichicon, which I'm told is the way to go for these units.... Some of them however, were WAY too big for the board, so i had to drill out quite a lot of the holes, and it's a bit crowded and messy because of that!
here's some pics of where I've got too so far, just waiting on transformer and a enclosure which we're having custom made at the moment..

Here's the board stuffed and soldered with lovely metal film resistors...


And the Front Panel too


Then the Ic holders

Then the Polyester caps, which are too big :bah:

Monolythic Caps


the Big Boys

Chips in the sockets... Now i gotta take em all out again before testing voltages :bah:


Hand crimping Molex looms is a PITA



Then I discovered i needed to add loads of flying wires to the ribbon cable and ran out of molex pins...

Off i go to Farnell/rs!

More to come...
I can't profess to be an expert on these things! But I can solder and read a schematic and use a multi Meter!

Just lurked a lot on group diy, and did my homework!
Interesting. And possibly, a new project! I've just finished my 1176 clone. Was a bit of a cunt mind you. Oddly enough, I bought the boards for it about a year ago as well.

How long does it normally take to learn circuitry like that?

everything is out there in internetland, i'd say a week is enough to learn enough to know what you are doing (by that I mean you can put together a DIY kit, designing your own compressor and doing a pcb for it is a whole different thing and i'd guess you'd need an engineering degree )

but try something smaller first, mistakes are bound to happen at first
anyone know how to solder a metal power switch (toggle style) without killing yourself ? ;)
I just finished my gssl also, great piece of hardware.
Also finished 1176 and Neve 1073 and now I'm building two more 1176's. The second one is almost ready :)

anyone know how to solder a metal power switch (toggle style) without killing yourself ? ;)

Just be really careful and multimeter is your best friend. You can also just connect the neutral to the power switch if you like!
I've just finished my 1176 clone.

Can you PM / e-mail me where you're finding your schematics?
I'm thinking of creating a 4th year project for next year that compares hardware models of compressors that are home built and shop bought. Depending on which schematics I can source will mean then I've got a year to find the shop compressors..
The best place for 1176 clone stuff is hair ball audio, you can get pcb's, enclosures, odd parts and a mouser cart in one Place!
I just finished my gssl also, great piece of hardware.
Also finished 1176 and Neve 1073 and now I'm building two more 1176's. The second one is almost ready :)

Just be really careful and multimeter is your best friend. You can also just connect the neutral to the power switch if you like!

Haha sweet. What did you use for your power switch? As in switch type, spdt? And what aboUt bypass and turbo?
Can you PM / e-mail me where you're finding your schematics?
I'm thinking of creating a 4th year project for next year that compares hardware models of compressors that are home built and shop bought. Depending on which schematics I can source will mean then I've got a year to find the shop compressors..

The best place for 1176 clone stuff is hair ball audio, you can get pcb's, enclosures, odd parts and a mouser cart in one Place!

What he said
Great cheers mate, and where do you put the switch , in line on either the live or neutral of the primary? Shits scary!!!!!
Great cheers mate, and where do you put the switch , in line on either the live or neutral of the primary? Shits scary!!!!!

Put the switch in line with live or both. But If you really are unsure please ask some electrician to do the work, quick job to do :)

And to noodles: Check Gyraf site
You can find schematics there. And for boards check mnats site
Great cheers mate, and where do you put the switch , in line on either the live or neutral of the primary? Shits scary!!!!!

Always break hot. Always!

I'm also a long time lurker of GroupDIY and have completed a few of the GSSL builds. I can't wait for the SB4001 500 series comp kit to show up.