My home project "studio" (& a formal introduction)


Dec 14, 2007
I've been lurking on this forum about a year and a half. So far I have had no problems finiding an answer to every question I have ever had...just by searching this forum!

I've been recording music for a few years, but I've recently decided to step it I sold my car:kickass: I put a lot of hours in that car and was seriously attached to it...but my goals have changed and I'd excited to get started!

Here is what I have so far:
Edirol M16DX
Event PS8 Monitors
Amplitube Metal
Waves Diamond Bundle
Miscellaneous Mics
Peavey Ultra Plus with 5150 Cab
Ddrum dominion drums with Pork Pie big black brass snare
Im sure Ive forgotten a few things...I'll update this post if something comes to mind.

Here are some of the things I plan to add (Comments/suggestions welcome):
Keep in mind my budget is limited (I have ~$1800 left)

Mackie Onyx (Probably 1620 w/ firewire) I've seen them sell on ebay around $700 with the FW card. I'm going to wait until I see another deal like this pop up.

Studio Projects B1 (Two)

A couple of SM57's

And a new computer (Currently running 1.8 GHz with 1GB Ram)

I'll be working in my basement which is ~600 sq. ft. Of course I plan on treating the room...but I need to do more research in this area.

Anyways, I look forward to keeping everyone updated. Hopefully I'll be able to help some of you in the future as much as you've helped me.
oh, I'll definitely post some pics for you guys. It'll probably be this weekend or early next week cause my camera took a sh1t....but I'll get 'em as soon as I can.

Stay tuned!
Shadow Walker, that forum is sick! Tons good info. First thing need to do is take care of my corners....especially with the PS8's.

Shred: I really like the dominions. Almost every time I play a show with them I get compliments on how good the toms sound. They have a big, warm tone. The snare was just average imo. The pork pie is a big step up...a great snare for the price imo. I wish the bass drum was louder, but it can always be mic'd.

And, adding to the list of equipment:

headphones: k240 monitor & sennheiser eh350

Does anyone have any comments about the studio project B1's? Is there another mic you'd recommend in this price range? It will mainly be used for drum overheads.

I could also use some pointers for the computer as well. Im sure there are some people here that have built computers. Anyone care to shed some light? (PC guy here)
perhaps look for some Oktava MC-012 on ebay or craiglist. I use those for overheads and i got them for 150$(pair) on craiglist.

For PC i suggest building it yourself.
Cpu: Intel quad Q6600
Mother board: Asus with p45 chipset
Ram: Like 2 gb
And you can figure out how much Hard drive memory you want, ect.

I have an SP B1 and it's awesome for acoustic guitar at that price. It also works pretty well for vocals recorded in my dead sounding vocal booth because it has a slight boost to the highs. I haven't tried it for OHs but I was thinking of recording ride or hihat with it.
OK, I know it isn't the best form of pictures....but its a start. They are straight from the ebay auctions I won. Just for fun, I'll post what I paid.

Here are my most recent additions. Still waiting on the monitors & amp to arrive...should be any day now.

Like I said before, I'll get pics of everything as soon as I can.

$150 shipped

$340 shipped (included the MoPads)

$470 shipped (Replacing a valveking). There is also an ultra 60 w/ cab for sale locally for $400. Thinking about picking it up as well. How is the cab that came with these?
Ha! It always makes me smile to see a Peavey Ultra Plus! I had that amp for about 8 years and loved it, great unit, sold it only for an Engl Savage SE, but I was real sorry to let it go... You've got yourself a real good amp there, and also quite underrated IMHO.

Had a nice ebay find last night. Mackie onyx 1640 (with a hard case) for $550!

Swiped it 13 minutes after it was listed :headbang:
Well, I have no problem purchasing plugins. Amplitube is legit.
What I don't like is when they try to force feed you ilok.
I'm not trying to start a debate. I know this topic is controversial and you either agree or disagree. No more comments from me.

Since I hold this forum in high regard, I have no problem deleting every trace of "non-purchased" software....but I'm probably one of the few who will.
... I suppose greyskull was referring to that plugin bundle up there. It's a damn expensive one, not many people here would be willing to pay 4000$ for those.
Of course, my excuses if I'm wrong...
Sorry, but its really not a discussion I want to get into. Like I said, I don't mind getting rid of that bundle.
iLok is fantastic... love it. can use my licenses anywhere on any computer (provided the owner will let me install my licensed software) when i travel. it is the best way to go.