My home project "studio" (& a formal introduction)

yeah, iLok is great - but i dont think this thread is supposed to head that way.

that said, if you don't want to pay for waves there are a ton of other more cost effective options. I'm using alternatives as I'm not really in a position to spend tons on plugins - i have just checked out my options and bought what i can afford. right now i don't feel like im really missing anything.
Going commercial with pirated software = cunt behaviour.

Sorry to say that but I hope it doesn't apply to anyone here :)

I can't disagree with you. I've done no commercial work yet, but once I begin I can assure you that I will mainly be using my rather large arsenal of (legitimate) free plugins. There are plenty out there...many of them I have found by lurking on this forum.
I've purchased 2 plugins that have served me well....Amplitube and battery 3. In conjunction with the free impulses and samples on the ftp, I have had great results (still learning & improving though).
I understand the position of many members here, and I realize it isnt fair to those who have shelled out the cash for these plugins. I sincerely have a lot of respect for you I went ahead and trashed the pirated stuff. It felt odd in the first thanks for the extra push.