My HR Lady ....


Jul 25, 2002
North Carolina
So we had a work happy hour last night and I was talking to my HR lady and how she used to live in Georgia and so I'm like, Oh, I go there every year for this music thing and she goes -is it that one on PeachTree Street at the Earthlink? I said -ProgPower? She's like -yes! I wanted to go a few years ago but I've just never been able to (small kids -hubby in military)!!

Everyone I talk to around here about it just kinda looks at me with a blank face (if they're into metal they are like wondering if it like ozzfest or something). There are a few Colorado folks that know about it and at least one who shows up (hey Guy - where you at?). Other than that - blank stares and a lot of "who?"

That is cool. I think its cool for any woman , regardless of age to be into this kind of music. Not the norm from my experiences. When I have tried to explain this festival to people (both men and women) over the years and they want example bands, they always get this puzzled (or even sour) look on their faces, like I just pooped in their coffee. Its almost a feeling of winning the lottery when you find someone who knows any of the bands playing. ;)
I said -ProgPower? She's like -yes! I wanted to go a few years ago but I've just never been able to (small kids -hubby in military)!!

Very Cool! Tell her to get a babysitter. Too bad you all are in TX, my teenager would have been happy to help out. ;)

I think its cool for any woman , regardless of age to be into this kind of music. Not the norm from my experiences.
We metal chicks rule! :headbang: :D
Joel-RZ said:
Hey, Im so sweet even my poop tastes like sugar, they should be thanking me ;)

Poop in coffee = Bad....... But when someone actually likes what you tell them about Progpower, It's like putting Everclear in Gatorade.......Goes through your system like a freight train!!!!!

Looking forward to this year Joel!!!!!!!!!


Oh and Tess, You da shiznit....... SPIDERMAN!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I went to Ft. Lauderdale with some co-workers on business last month, and our waiter (at a Greek restaurant... whatever :)) turned out to be Brazilian... I ask him if he knew Angra, and he was so surprised I'd seen them, then proceeded to tell me I should give the older stuff more of a chance, because the old singer's better. Everyone else was looking at us like WTF, but I thought it was very cool. :)

Now, I CAN tell you everyone I work with can tell you who's headlining... well, okay, so it'll be more like "there are these bands Shaye likes a LOT, and they're playing at some festival sometime..." :D
Joel-RZ said:
That is cool. I think its cool for any woman , regardless of age to be into this kind of music. Not the norm from my experiences. When I have tried to explain this festival to people (both men and women) over the years and they want example bands, they always get this puzzled (or even sour) look on their faces, like I just pooped in their coffee. Its almost a feeling of winning the lottery when you find someone who knows any of the bands playing. ;)

Yeah, when the average non-metal "civilian" starts asking for more details about my yearly trip to Atlanta, I tell them it's for a music festival, but don't bother getting any more specific than that. If they ask what bands are playing, I just tell them that they've never heard of any of them. Then, of course, you get the people who think they're super-knowledgeable, and say "no, no, tell me... I've probably heard of them", but then, like you said, they get this expression on their face that looks far more aggrieved than it should just because of not knowing who some bands are. It's really bizarre.

Lately, if people start bugging me about it, I just tell them to go to the website and htey can find out more information about it there. Its certainly preferable to standing around quoting them band names that they've heard of, heh.
Sumeet said:
Yeah, when the average non-metal "civilian" starts asking for more details about my yearly trip to Atlanta, I tell them it's for a music festival, but don't bother getting any more specific than that. If they ask what bands are playing, I just tell them that they've never heard of any of them. Then, of course, you get the people who think they're super-knowledgeable, and say "no, no, tell me... I've probably heard of them", but then, like you said, they get this expression on their face that looks far more aggrieved than it should just because of not knowing who some bands are. It's really bizarre.

Thanks for writing that whole thing out. I started to earlier and then just said f it but that is EXACTLY what happens to me all the time. No no, tell me ....LOL. My co-workers were like that too -Tess is going to see her crazy/scary heavy metal bands that she is obsessed with. They don't like the music but a few have tried some of it and they definitely respect that I'm so passionate about it so it's all bueno!

Beholder said:
Oh and Tess, You da shiznit....... SPIDERMAN!!!!!!!!

You are the shiznit too if you stick to your promise and make me that gumbo for SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are the shiznit too if you stick to your promise and make me that gumbo for SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote]

Looks like we'll make it happen babe!!!!!!!!!! I'll get with the wife, and we'll make the plans!!!!!!!!!!

Diiing Dooong..........What Dat said??????
Yeah, when the average non-metal "civilian" starts asking for more details about my yearly trip to Atlanta, I tell them it's for a music festival, but don't bother getting any more specific than that. If they ask what bands are playing, I just tell them that they've never heard of any of them. Then, of course, you get the people who think they're super-knowledgeable, and say "no, no, tell me... I've probably heard of them", but then, like you said, they get this expression on their face that looks far more aggrieved than it should just because of not knowing who some bands are. It's really bizarre.

You ought to hear what it's like here where i work, god it's like being in red-neck nightmare. The only music i hear walking to other offices is either Salsa( not Pace, and not made in NY city) or country. But there are a few silver linings to this, and that is 8 to 10 people have adopted Prog/Power metal as their music of choice, due in part to LANCE KING and PYRAMAZE and to NIGHTWISH. So all hope is not lost.
Beholder said:
Diiing Dooong..........
Like NO WAY -my Daddy left me a voicemail the other day of "diiiiiing dooong" from an office or something around town he had a meeting at!! It wasn't distorted like that one in Atlanta but I was laughing so hard when I heard it on my phone. I'll try to forward the message to you....
Beholder said:
What Dat said??????
Texas is for Loooooovers! ;)
An HR lady that rocks! What are the odds of that!

The mere mortals that I work with are possibly the most metal illiterate people alive. I also try to leave the information of my yearly pilgrimage to Atlanta at "it's a metal festival with 10 bands in 2 days". That usually takes care of it, as no one is interested in metal. And as for the people who go "I've probably heard of them" they don't know. I had somebody listen to Nightwish and go "oh!! great!!! Metallica S&M!!!". You think your HR lady could put together a metal training course??? As you can see, my need is dire...
One time I told a co-worker that I was going to Atlanta for the weekend. He ask what for so I said a "concert fest called Progpower". He looks at me with a quizzical look and says "Frogflower" whats that? I just kind of laughed and said "forget it" and walked away. Sometimes it's just not worth the time to explain to people about it.
Bad Girl Tess said:
So we had a work happy hour last night and I was talking to my HR lady and how she used to live in Georgia and so I'm like, Oh, I go there every year for this music thing and she goes -is it that one on PeachTree Street at the Earthlink? I said -ProgPower? She's like -yes! I wanted to go a few years ago but I've just never been able to (small kids -hubby in military)!!


Considering that I live in Atlanta, and nobody i've ever met here knows anything about ProgPower (or good music at all for that matter) it is impressive.
Oh, man, that's REALLY cool that your HR lady is into that. Most of my coworkers look at me like "o.0" and "you listen to what?" However, they also smile and nod and tell me to have fun (though a former supervisor keeps telling people that I'm "too old" to go to shows like this and I laugh because I know that I'm not). In fact, I think I'm bringing a coworker with me this year!!!
(though a former supervisor keeps telling people that I'm "too old" to go to shows like this and I laugh because I know that I'm not)

that's pretty funny, considering that you're actually probably in the youngest 30% of the show attendees. :lol: