My HR Lady ....

booB said:
(though a former supervisor keeps telling people that I'm "too old" to go to shows like this and I laugh because I know that I'm not)

that's pretty funny, considering that you're actually probably in the youngest 30% of the show attendees. :lol:

I know!!! But she's also the type who thinks I should have an armload of kids, too. And that both her kids should be married to people she picked out, living in houses she dec... you get the point. She's fairly rigid. :Smug:

And it'll burn her butt if I bring my friend along, too, because my friend still works in that department and is my age. Mwhahaha.
Mxgonzo said:
One time I told a co-worker that I was going to Atlanta for the weekend. He ask what for so I said a "concert fest called Progpower". He looks at me with a quizzical look and says "Frogflower" whats that? I just kind of laughed and said "forget it" and walked away. Sometimes it's just not worth the time to explain to people about it.

HAHA!! I dated a guy once and told him I was going to a Dream Theater concert one night. For months he made fun of their name and I really didn't see what was so amusing about it. One night we finally figured out what was so funny ....he thought their name was "Dream Peter" haha! I am pretty sure that was our last date. :loco:
All you need to do to find kindred souls at work is to walk around with a Symph X, DT or similar shirt on casual day. For years, I thought I was the only person in my company who knew prog, until I wore my Symph X shirt to work. People who know prog will come right up to you even if they never knew you--one of the best things about this music is the way fans are instant friends :headbang: except for the big fat guy who wanted to mosh at the last show :yell:
Greykiller said:
All you need to do to find kindred souls at work is to walk around with a Symph X, DT or similar shirt on casual day.

Sounds bueno but unfortunately my casual Fridays are not quite that casual ....that's pretty cool that you found another co-worker in to Symphony X that way though! :)

I sing in the choir at church (Bad Girl Tess = Church Choir? I KNOW!!) and I always wear my ProgPower or similar shirts to my Saturday rehearsal. So far no one in my church shares my love for Prog/Power Metal :D I haven't given up hope though. I'm sure as soon as I find him we'll get married ;)
That's a pretty cool story! LOL

Yeah, I don't even bother anymore.. At my job I just say I am going to see some of those weird bands I like! :loco: With my friends (the majority is not into metal at all) is the same exact thing...
I have given up trying to talk about my metalfestivals that I travel to each year. My Mom doesn't ask about the music. She just thinks it is cool I get to go to so many different cool places.

At work, I just get the dumbfounded looks.

I got a story that will beat all stories. I was driving home to Phoenix from Vegas after the Vegas Metalfest. I got pulled over for finishing a pass in a no pass lane. The cop asks me if I am coming home from Vegas.

I say yes. I end up telling him I was at the Metal fest. He proceeds to tell me that he knows metal. What bands played? I said he probably wouldn't know as they are underground bands. This wasn't the smartest thing I could do as he gave me a "try me" look. I told him Suffocation, Impaled, Deicide,etc. He looks dumbfounded, pauses, and asks if slipknot or static x played it. No, I say for which he asks if Pantera played it. After I said no, he tells me that well, I guess that is all I know. Give me my ticket you tool is all I could think!!
tattooedsean666 said:
I have given up trying to talk about my metalfestivals that I travel to each year. My Mom doesn't ask about the music. She just thinks it is cool I get to go to so many different cool places.

At work, I just get the dumbfounded looks.

I got a story that will beat all stories. I was driving home to Phoenix from Vegas after the Vegas Metalfest. I got pulled over for finishing a pass in a no pass lane. The cop asks me if I am coming home from Vegas.

I say yes. I end up telling him I was at the Metal fest. He proceeds to tell me that he knows metal. What bands played? I said he probably wouldn't know as they are underground bands. This wasn't the smartest thing I could do as he gave me a "try me" look. I told him Suffocation, Impaled, Deicide,etc. He looks dumbfounded, pauses, and asks if slipknot or static x played it. No, I say for which he asks if Pantera played it. After I said no, he tells me that well, I guess that is all I know. Give me my ticket you tool is all I could think!!

Great story but you left out the best part!! DID YOU GET A TICKET OR NOT???? :)
lady_space said:
Yeah, I went to Ft. Lauderdale with some co-workers on business last month, and our waiter (at a Greek restaurant... whatever :)) turned out to be Brazilian... I ask him if he knew Angra, and he was so surprised I'd seen them, then proceeded to tell me I should give the older stuff more of a chance, because the old singer's better. Everyone else was looking at us like WTF, but I thought it was very cool. :)

Now, I CAN tell you everyone I work with can tell you who's headlining... well, okay, so it'll be more like "there are these bands Shaye likes a LOT, and they're playing at some festival sometime..." :D

We are taking over south Florida! :loco: There are Brazilians working everywhere!
But you got lucky! A good portion of the Brazilians in Florida do not know who Angra is.. :)
Another south florida fan!

I am looking to get a convoy to Atlanta on the 14th. Are you driving? Anyone you know down here driving?
Greykiller said:
All you need to do to find kindred souls at work is to walk around with a Symph X, DT or similar shirt on casual day.

I had this idea sometime ago, but,

Bad Girl Tess said:
unfortunately my casual Fridays are not quite that casual ....

This is also my sad reality.

Bad Girl Tess said:
I sing in the choir at church (Bad Girl Tess = Church Choir? I KNOW!!)

Do you do the "metal vocals" section? :loco:

They should make all church choirs sound like Tourniquet. That would rule!! :worship:
Jurakan said:
Do you do the "metal vocals" section? :loco:

They should make all church choirs sound like Tourniquet. That would rule!! :worship:

HAHA!! No but I will try it some time. I've learned over the years the ones that love me will love me no matter what I do or say or wear and the ones who don't won't so :yuk: on them! Next solo I sing metalllllllll :)
TimeStitcher said:
(though a former supervisor keeps telling people that I'm "too old" to go to shows like this and I laugh because I know that I'm not).

And what are you like, 20? Judging by your pic, I'd guess around there.

What a stupid cunt. Whenever a conversation comes up about the younger generation maybe not getting Social Security, just tell him/her that they don't have to worry because it'll still be there in two years when they're eligible.:Spin:
tattooedsean666 said:
I have given up trying to talk about my metalfestivals that I travel to each year. My Mom doesn't ask about the music. She just thinks it is cool I get to go to so many different cool places.

At work, I just get the dumbfounded looks.

I got a story that will beat all stories. I was driving home to Phoenix from Vegas after the Vegas Metalfest. I got pulled over for finishing a pass in a no pass lane. The cop asks me if I am coming home from Vegas.

I say yes. I end up telling him I was at the Metal fest. He proceeds to tell me that he knows metal. What bands played? I said he probably wouldn't know as they are underground bands. This wasn't the smartest thing I could do as he gave me a "try me" look. I told him Suffocation, Impaled, Deicide,etc. He looks dumbfounded, pauses, and asks if slipknot or static x played it. No, I say for which he asks if Pantera played it. After I said no, he tells me that well, I guess that is all I know. Give me my ticket you tool is all I could think!!

Bad Girl Tess said:
Great story but you left out the best part!! DID YOU GET A TICKET OR NOT???? :)

I was just going to post the same thing...:D