my idea for a horror moie

You don't know for sure that people do these things just for the money or drugs or whatever. Maybe they enjoy getting porked by pigs and sucking "pony peters".
Yes,Amos,unfortunatley,that's who I mean.Uggggggg... *whimpers in fear*I have to go burn my eyes out now.Or maybe I'll just go and stare at some picturse of Peter Steele for a while to clam my extremely troubled nerves.
And,yes again,Amos,I DID eat lunch.Cynthia was a witness.Though it was just a peanut butter&jelly sandwhich.But,don't worry,no Linkin Park for me.I was listening to Morbid Angel this morning on the bus,so if I ever put a Linkin Park cd in my cd player,the player would either kill the cd or explode.
well maybe not all of them for drugs but the chick who was eating the chunks out of a big bowl of barf...she was wacked out of her skull.
and pony peters...there's that stuff out there also.
its all available for however longer Kazaa and such last.

p.s. finally they busted one guy here for having it on his computer and tried to suspend him without pay for five days - but he argued it down to a letter of reprimand.

another guy kept nude pictures of his net honeys on his computer and would enlarge them even with coworkers walking past. someone finally complained and they took his messengers and internet access away, this guy was 400 lbs (no lie) and his handles on line were "BigCat", "Snugglecat", "Cherokee Warrior," go figure. so you young ladies, if someone by those names starts chatting you up, be very careful.:lol:
Originally posted by neal
yeh. but for it to be any good it would have to be VERY low budget, with bad acting and horrible jokes. and nudity. put in lots of nudity.

There's your answer. It won't make it to any REAL theaters, but you could make a name for yourself selling it as a DVD. :) And, who knows, you could be the next Peter Jackson. (He did Bad Taste, & Dead-Alive before he got famous.)
