My Jackson KV2 for sale

I gave Matt his custom the other week :lol:

I'll give you tree fiddy. £900 is slightly steep though, I'd imagine that thing has war scars with the amount of abuse it must've taken from touring.... or am I jumping the gun?
The KV2 is in really really good condition, it only has a few paint chips on the wings, other than just general wear thats the only thing thats cosmetically wrong with it. it may need setting up or even re-fretting but..... yeah it's in really good condition.

and i'm selling it because i don't play it anymore and i need money as i have to pay for life. i do have A new custom guitar, which is really really rather nice, call it a prototype, but i don't have my custom yet, i changed a few of the design choices as i change my mind a lot, so it will be a while yet before i have that.

so anyone want the V?

To be honest

In 2 years time you won't need to worry about money, I would say keep the guitar just now, you never know, you might find that the guitar will produce the sound you will need for your next album, trust me on this, I haven't been wrong so far, you know that yourself
What are you expecting? The dudes in Carcass have day jobs... (Well Jeff and Bill). And Carcass headline festivals!

As for sound I can say it'll be similar to the other Jacksons through the same amp and all that. Especially when you're playing it through a lot of distortion. I only ever worry about that if I'm after cleaner tones.

The man needs some ADSA cash and selling a guitar like that is quite a quick source of dosh.
What are you expecting? The dudes in Carcass have day jobs... (Well Jeff and Bill). And Carcass headline festivals!

As for sound I can say it'll be similar to the other Jacksons through the same amp and all that. Especially when you're playing it through a lot of distortion. I only ever worry about that if I'm after cleaner tones.

The man needs some ADSA cash and selling a guitar like that is quite a quick source of dosh.

Ah but here is the thing, whilst I agree with what you are saying to a degree, Carcass are better known in mainland Europe therefore not quite having the mainstream audience you would get in the USA, Evile, I strongly believe, on the other hand will have both audiences in Europe and the Usa to be able to generate an income that will prove justifable

Fuckin hell, I sound delusional now but my belief in Ol, Matt, Ben, Mike and Joel hasn't let me down so far and I know for sure they will grow een bigger, why else would we be offering our support to the lads, I am willing to pay money to see talent and those lads have that it in abundence, this is why I am so full of belief in them.

Musicians I do understand to a degree loves their instruments and will always strive to seek the perfect sound, I think the guitar Matt is trying to sell has a sound that may prove fruitiful to their sound and that there is no need to sell it for a quick buck unless of course Matt hasn't got any space left due to the awards that Evile will pick up in due course

I cannae wait tae see Ol and the lads daein that bungee jump in their cowboy outfits

Ah but here is the thing, whilst I agree with what you are saying to a degree, Carcass are better known in mainland Europe therefore not quite having the mainstream audience you would get in the USA, Evile, I strongly believe, on the other hand will have both audiences in Europe and the Usa to be able to generate an income that will prove justifable

Fuckin hell, I sound delusional now but my belief in Ol, Matt, Ben, Mike and Joel hasn't let me down so far and I know for sure they will grow een bigger, why else would we be offering our support to the lads, I am willing to pay money to see talent and those lads have that it in abundence, this is why I am so full of belief in them.

Musicians I do understand to a degree loves their instruments and will always strive to seek the perfect sound, I think the guitar Matt is trying to sell has a sound that may prove fruitiful to their sound and that there is no need to sell it for a quick buck unless of course Matt hasn't got any space left due to the awards that Evile will pick up in due course

I cannae wait tae see Ol and the lads daein that bungee jump in their cowboy outfits


As much as I love the band, it's so hard for them to make a fortune out of playing music, as it is for everyone thesedays, but especially playing something like thrash.

And Carcass do have quite a big following in the US, they played a pretty big headline tour there not long ago.

Don't want to offend, but I'd say you do sound a bit deluded. Although I certainly wish Evile do get that successful.
Don't want to offend, but I'd say you do sound a bit deluded. Although I certainly wish Evile do get that successful.

Not offended as you weren't really that far of the mark, I was pretty much under the influence of alot of alcohol, when I drink I tend to post pretty outlandish display of beliefs, when I am depressed I tend to have a pretty skewered sense of humour and when I am sober I tend to post pretty much mundane things