Anyone want my Jackson KV2?


Captain Information
Jan 2, 2006
huddersfield UK
I am considering selling on my Jackson KV2, i will be using the RR24 from now until my custom arrives (silence!!! they've been hugely busy and it is on it's way) and it will be a shame to let it go but i have no use for it and thought someone else might fancy having it.

thought i would offer it to you forumers first, if anyone wants to make me a SERIOUS offer please do, but if no one wants it then i will probs just auction it on ebay with some random evile stuff included.

It's in pretty good condition bearing in mind it's done a few tours, some of the corners have chipped paint but that's pretty much all that's wrong with it, it comes with a hard case too.

Seymour Duncan SH6 pickups
52 - 9 strings

It's a KV2 so you can find the specs on the net. they cost about £1600 new i think.
Here Matt, why do you prefer the RR24 over it?
Just wondering, I have a KV2 and I thought it was much better than the RR24 I tried in the shop, I can't really see the bigger attraction of it, apart from the looks, which are seriously awesome.

I'd love another, but unless you'll take £100 I don't think we can work anything out... Haha!
go type a few things for the counsels at an extortionate rate of money. I mean what if Ol trips over the RR24 and breaks the neck in half. you'd be up the creek.
1. Reanimate Jimmy Frankles
2. Invest in life insurance for said Jimmy Frankles
3. Let him hear snippets of 3rd Evile album + let him copy the cd
4. Kill jimmy frankles.
5. ??
6. Profit.
1. Reanimate Jimmy Frankles
2. Invest in life insurance for said Jimmy Frankles
3. Let him hear snippets of 3rd Evile album + let him copy the cd
4. Kill jimmy frankles.
5. ??
6. Profit.


I'd love to buy the KV2, but sadly, not possible as I'm a poor, low-paid 17 year old. :lol: