My Kramer


Active Member
Nov 29, 2001
Warsaw, Poland
Ok, since I still cant make a photo of it and few ppl were asking about it, Ive decided to make a drawihng of it, here it is:


It looks almost the same, but Ill try to get some digital cam to photo it...
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Why? Simple :)

This is the best sounding git I could afford nowadays, I know that if this was a full option RR1 you would be more happy :D

And I know that this joke "Kiss me, I'm Polish" is quite popular in USA :lol:
btw Its '88 Kramer Pacer Custom 1 with original Floyd Rose bridge, Custom Trash Merlin hub and 2 Seymur Duncan Jeff Beck singles... Its all made of oak, so dont bother tring to thing of my git as a shit, just its pointless :lol:
if he has the floyd, then he sure as hell can obtain 24 fret harmonics and notes. "true" Kramers were the shit. Still are if you can snag'em. This is prolly one of the better ones. ESP basically made Kramer what it was back in the day, since they were all built by ESP for the most part. The USA model Kramers were made at the 48th street ESP custom shop in NYC for a short while, before production was moved strictly to Japan in the late 80's right after the Holoflash guitars got kinda popular. Once there they unleashed great models that KILLED. Then around the early 90's they started going downhill aaand around the late 90's, gibson bought the franchise and are making them still, but in korea, and are only available through Ive heard they're decent, but probably a waste of money in the long run. Anything with an OFR is good. Be happy for bodomic! He has a killer axe.
rockbodom has been to technical for me, didin understand a shit hahaha.. im a bassplayer first and foremost

c'est drole quand je parle français sur les boards je surveille mon orthographe, ce que j'fais pas en temps normal.
gaga a spamwhore that checks his grammar oh my !

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man thats some gay shit haha
this has nothing to do with this thread, but before i go to sleep i need to say this: evel_ernie, i hate your fucking avatar! that clown... oh man.. i dunno, just hate fucking clowns