My Latest Mix !

Hey, just realised I never had any critiques on this ! I'll bump it just one time , I'd love to hear what you guys have to say :)

Cheers !
Thanks Clockwork ! :)

The new BTM is getting mixed as we speak, it will be finished really soon so it shouldn't be too long until we release something !!
Thanks a lot guys ! Glad you're digging it :) I think this is my best work so far, pretty stoked about it :)

The band recorded / edited everything themselves, and I have to give them a lot of credit for that because everything was done really well !
They didnt provide me any DI takes, just their POD tones for gtr and bass, and it turned out really great this way. Drums a programmed .
Sounds cool man...what amp(s) did you use? What was your method to get the punch and articulation for guitars? Were they double tracked?
The band provided me with their tones already amped, no D.Is ! I was kinda bummed out about this at first , but the tones were good and after a little tweaking I was really happy with the way things blended together ! Everything is from a POD

On the guitars (double tracked , panned hard 100% ) there is quite a lot of EQing ( Left and right sounded really different at first so it took me some time to get them more "even" ) , and if I remember well I had the S1 running to widen them a little more , and the Puigchild compressor too ! I don't usually use this one for a guitar bus but it gives a lot of warmth and "dirtiness" that I felt like were missing from this particular guitar tone , so it worked out really great here !