My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

Ok so I finally ordered

Ulver - Bergtatt
Ulver - Kveldssanger
Ulver - Lycantropen Themes

after having them on mp3 for like, 2-3 years or something.
SORT VOKTER - Folkloric Necro Metal LP
ILDJARN - Ildjarn Is Dead 2LP

FUCKING RIDICULOUS the time i spent searching for a new case/bag for various pedals. 3 sporting good stores and about a million websites later, this will work perfectly.


also it's ridiculous that the only picks i use are $2.99 / 6-pack when i used to get them for like $0.10 each.

i'm actually quite happy with this purchase, sorry for complaining. :loco: :headbang:
Ellestin said:
Weakling - Dead as Dreams
Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris


did you buy those? cause i probably woulda traded both of em to ya for the right thing in return!

EDIT: (staying on topic)

Sunn O))) - Black One
Sleep - Jerusalem
Logitech X-530 speakers
TV Tuner

120 3 1/2 nails
1 roll duct tape
1 can spraypaint

My Costume is gonna be most triumphant. I fully intend to scare people on transit and get some great pictures of the "classic" immortal poses. Gonna try and get a bus driver to pretend to be horgh.
Graveland - Creed of Iron
Eucharist - Mirrorworlds
Old Man Gloom - Christmas Eve I & II + 6 (Thanks J. :))
Peccatum - The Moribund People
Reverend Bizarre - Crush The Insects
Various artists - Eichendorff (any of you into neo folk particularly german , exclusive tracks from forseti and orplid...really beautiful stuff.the end has it)
posted this before the server move, but it looks like it got eaten.

King Crimson - Lizard CD
Monster Magnet - Powertrip CD
Got a nail in my head and I know that I'm gone
When I'm driving the tractor on the drug farm
Got a knife in my back got a hole in my arm
I'm driving the tractor on the drug farm
Some stuff acquired/ordered prior to the server switch

Akercocke- Words that go Unspoken, Deeds that Go Undone
Katatonia- The Black Sessions CD/DVD Box
Woods of Ypres- Against the Seasons Remastered
Newest Terrorizer
2 Ounces of KB
FFVII (my old copy was scratched into oblivion)