My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

NADatar said:
Electric Wizard - Let Us Prey
Om - Conference of the Birds
Colour Haze - Los Sounds de Krauts

Good call on that OM! Tell me what you think, especially of "At Giza." I've been talking about this album since it came out and it seems like nobody else has much to say around here.
I dunno. Seems like something I would prob enjoy when I was high 24/7/365...but doesnt interest me anymore. I still have yet to check the new album though and hear it is different in a way.

LOL, it was more tongue-in-cheek than anything y0!
i'll make one concession about OM: the lyrics are fucking hilariously overdone

best just to ignore them most of the time. vocal intonation > lyrics in this band
heard a track or two off their last two albums, but that is all

i need to check them out again with the shit i've been listening to lately.
but electric wizard first. another band i never got into a year or two ago but i know i'll love now.
Doomcifer said:
Seems like something I would prob enjoy when I was high 24/7/365...but doesnt interest me anymore.
You know what's funny, I've never gotten high and listened to all the stoner rock I've been addicted to over the past few years. I mean I know part of it is because I rarely smoke pot anymore, but even when I did, music wasn't my thing too much.
NADatar said:
haha yeah I'm pretty sure I've done that. Years and years ago.

Hallo weiner Yo...

Like second highest I've ever been. I also rocked it out to the first first first version of This Old Creek. Your bass rulederized me :p
Thanks! Hooray for 9 month old strings on a Sterling! Even through a shitty SWR amp I still got a good tone. :kickass:
from TER:
naglfar - diabolical
satyricon - dark medieval times
immortal - blizzard beasts

all for under $25, not too shabby

Conspicuously Absent said:
Pot + Nuclear Rabbit = Win. I understood every word he said. And rememebred them for a few days.
jorky PA dee jorky PA
jorky PA dee jorky PA

heheh, that 9-string bass is like o_O
I still want to know the lyrics to Crane to the Head, I remember they held a contest to guess what they were at one point. Some of the answers forced certain members of the band to go into hiding if I remember correctly. :dopey:
Well, I just won two on ebay, so I don't have them yet, but:

Caducity - The Weisliejrf Wielder Quest
Fester - Winter Of Sin
showed up from THe End today via UPS, though I didn't choose, nor pay, for the UPS service. a fitting haul considering what day it is:

Darkthrone - Ravishing Grimness
Darkthrone - Total Death
Darkthrone - Panzerfaust
Dimmu Borgir - Stormblast
Gorgoroth - Pentagram
Gorgoroth - Antichrist