My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

wow, that is fucking terrible. i don't like TER because they have fucked up my ENTIRE order THREE times. there's seriously no excuse for that.

that's terrible, I've ordered from them like 5-6 times, and they've always been perfect.
No way. Wii was a great idea but they have delivered a pile of shit games.

it's true. the wii is a sweet system but it is VERY obvious that 360 and PS3 will prevail in the end (and i mean prevail by having the best games, etc). you can get a 360 for $300 (just the core system), $400 (with a good harddrive and everything you need for ACTION), or $500 (with some other bogus crap).

still shitty prices, but the thing is awesome so i'm happy.

IoTS...have you heard this before?
I've been waiting since it came out for the harddrive one to fall down to $300...I was told that they had plans to drop it when the PS3 came out, but that never happened. Fuck, I hate being so behind on video games. The most recent one I've played is Fable, I think.
I've been waiting since it came out for the harddrive one to fall down to $300...I was told that they had plans to drop it when the PS3 came out, but that never happened. Fuck, I hate being so behind on video games. The most recent one I've played is Fable, I think.

Fable was great, despite its short length.
Explosions In The Sky - All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone 2cd
Negura Bunget - Om
Amesoeurs - Ruines Humaines

I forgot that I had ordered Amesoeurs through Aquarius Records. I then found it elsewhere. Yesterday I received the shipping notice from aQ...DOH!!