My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

Wiat 'till you experience overtiredness....when they're too sleepy to sleep. I know...sounds like baloney but it happens
Used books:

Walt Whitman "Complete Poems"
Jorge Borges "Selected Non-Fictions"
John Steinbeck "Grapes Of Wrath"
M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen "Wisdom of Man: Selected Discourses"
William Blake "The Complete Poetry & Prose of William Blake"
I still don't understand why you wanted/needed that. Something about not being able to listen to music for 15 minutes with your current setup.....explain
that tube shit needs to warm up like a 68 Caddy ... can't just turn it on for lullabies and expect instant relief.
aahhhhh.....ok, I was thinking that but I've never had an actual experience with vacuum tubes (except maybe a TV?) so I wasn't sure

lol @ lullabies
that's what crib attachments are for
we also used white noise machines....still do
i have a white noise machine also ... it's called an open window.

the freaking express train to Manhattan runs right outside it.