Krilons Resa
Jerry's married?!
We have a white noise machine too but I cant stand that fucking thing. Every time my wife puts it on I wanna throw it against the wall.
@ The Lurch...Its $400 almost everywhere but I found it at for $309 plus @20 shipping, had around $150 in my paypal account from selling shit on Ebay, so total cost was around $175. Not bad for a $400 micro system.
@ The Dorian...yea, tubes need to warm up. Some ppl make it a bigger deal than need be though. My amps manufacturer says 3 minute warmup time, but the entire thing is probably truly warmed up and best at around 30-45 minutes when the entire chassis is hot, lol. The thing is, you dont want to constantly turn the shit on/off, it will shorten the tube life. Put that shit on and listen to it for at least a couple hours. It has its caveats, but there is no beating it imho.
@ The Lurch...Its $400 almost everywhere but I found it at for $309 plus @20 shipping, had around $150 in my paypal account from selling shit on Ebay, so total cost was around $175. Not bad for a $400 micro system.

@ The Dorian...yea, tubes need to warm up. Some ppl make it a bigger deal than need be though. My amps manufacturer says 3 minute warmup time, but the entire thing is probably truly warmed up and best at around 30-45 minutes when the entire chassis is hot, lol. The thing is, you dont want to constantly turn the shit on/off, it will shorten the tube life. Put that shit on and listen to it for at least a couple hours. It has its caveats, but there is no beating it imho.